Oswald Defence Lawyer

I liked the cutscenes. Some of them are very long, I admit, but I find the game compelling. It tries, at least, which so few games do. It's not like people didn't know what they were getting before they bought it.

Metal Gear Solid 2 is awesome. There's so much detail crammed into that game, and even though for most of it you're that dumbass Raiden fella it still rules.

And Frankie's about a crazy person, not from their perspective, isn't it? I forget, it's been a while since I heard it. I remember the screaming freaking my mother out when I played it once in front of her.

Do you owe Tompkins money or something? First up, he's featured heavily in that Laugh Track column (for more under-the-radar comedians, apparently), then not only do you Tweet this review, but you also re-tweet Tompkins hyping the show! Since I've been following you guys on Twitter, I don't recall you extending this

If you don't live near Chicago and want the ZMF experience, just find a skinny teenager and pay him in beer to swear a lot.

I would definitely watch the film based on this email. Maybe it's viral marketing!

Oh What A Lovely War is boring as hell, and Three Kings may have thought the Gulf War was a bit silly, but there's way too many army heroes in that film for it to be any sort of anti-war satire.

Damn you, I want your username.

Thought Drag Me To Hell was incredibly disappointing. I remember having this debate a few months ago and all you bastards who don't like it now should have jumped in then.

The Tenant Of Wild-Animal Hall

I've emailed bands whose albums I've downloaded to offer them money, direct. I just have no use for physical media any more, especially CDs. Times have changed, and I think if we all did this (or even a fair proportion of us did) then good bands would continue to be able to do their thing and bad bands would go to the

I don't get why there's such a snide tone to the news article. Does anyone seriously believe the music industry as it currently is will last beyond the next few years? They can't keep re-releasing Exile On Main Street.

I wish I'd picked the username Neil Poon Handler for this site.

My sci-fi-loving Uncle always sold the book to me as pro-war, and another he wrote around the same time as anti-war. So…there was no point to this comment, unless you're particularly bothered what my Uncle thinks.

Thizzy, I'm surprised you don't see the humour in it. The first video up there is plenty funny, I thought, maybe not football-to-the-groin funny, but funny nontheless. Definitely a parody of fascism (I only just twigged how clever it was having all their lovely white cast come from Argentina).

Hells yeah I want it even more now. It's a pain in the ass coming from the UK at times.

Cheers Guillaume! I remember a few years back on a Bob-and-David-specific message board (Blow Up The Moon? I think) that someone was selling a 3-DVD set of rarities and so on, but she never sent my copy and I've never seen it anywhere since.

I've got the previous Criterion DVD release, and it's brilliant. Questions for Noel, really: how's the quality of the blu-ray? If you've seen the DVDs, that is. And do you know if they're going to release it in Europe, as blu-ray players aren't multi-region yet?

Black Dynamite 2: Electric Mortal Kombat Boogaloo

Do any of these films feature the sounds and flavours of Spain and Latin America?