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Dunno Quirk, they work fine for me. Problem is, you need to get really close to the screen to read them, so it's kinda a pain.

But Kermode is an unbearably smug tosser who once championed "The Exorcist" as the greatest movie of all time, mostly because (I think) it was banned at that moment in the UK. Peary's a tons better writer.

I don't see the places portraying his wife-beating as cool; perhaps your problem should be with those websites then, rather than the man himself? It certainly doesn't make him a good person, but in terms of the films, it's not the most important thing to talk about.

I love the goofy little expression on Sheen's face in that photo up there too.

Now Dennis Hopper
RIP Dennis. I will struggle to make a "watchu talkin bout" joke with him.

The camera thing was terrible. There were so many times when keeping the camera made no sense, and actively hindered them staying alive, that it made me lose interest in the film.

I liked Zombieland. To say it's all (or even mostly) about slo-mo zombie deaths, is like saying Vanishing Point is just about cars.

I'm astonished that anyone thinks Leary is funnier than Hicks - I'd lay money on not even Leary thinking that.

I'm not sure that just because your Dad thinks baseball is more popular than it is, means it's worthy of being called "infuriating". Your dad maybe?

Shrike The Avatar, quicker and more technically proficient does not equal "better".

I tried reading Tristram Shandy a while back and made it about halfway through before I abandoned it as my eyes were refusing to move over the page anymore. I'm sure it was revolutionary for its time, but I just couldn't manage the funereally slow pace.

Why not save this for the actual discussion?

Given that Hogan's a congenital liar, if he told me the sky was blue, I'd still check before agreeing with him.

Completely agree. Don't worry, there are a few good TnE haters on this board.

Kino, he says neither of those things. He merely points out that Cuba is not a commie hovel and Iraq wasn't a Muslim dictatorship, before it became in the ruling classes best interests to portray them in that way.

The point being made, Dust, is that all (more or less) of "contemporary colourising" of classic works are intellectual wank and add nothing to the text or any understanding of it.

So most of you actually hate his fans and not the man himself?

Re: the Tamil Tigers, when the entire rest of the world doesn't care and the side with all the money, tanks, planes and bombs is killing your people, what would you do? I don't necessarily agree with what they've done, but I certainly understand why they've been driven to that.

Without the book club, I'd have not read several excellent novels, and been introduced to some seriously good and thought-provoking posters (and got a better idea of some of the staff). It's my current favourite thing about the AV Club.

I think the title gives away it's not going to have the most firmly rooted narrative, but as I was the original nominator for it you'd expect me to jump to its defence.