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And a read of Wikipedia reveals that Plato's son has now committed suicide after being an addict.

And I hate those people who pretend like some absolute piece of shit like "Rocket Attack USA" would have been heard of today had it not been for MST3K. Without those guys, I wouldn't watch 99% of the movies they covered because they suck.

I actually agree. It would have been nice to have the Very Special Episode have more of a justification than "hey, it's when i started watching it". Although it does rule, so I can't complain too much.

King of the Popes, no: Late Late originally had no audience (listen to Ferguson monologue before the no-audience Stephen Fry interview for a potted history).

They're the multi-millionaire Pop Group tribute band who Sean loves so much he decided to sneak a comment in about them.

Girard, I agree that you could say the inverse if you wanted, but no-one appears to be doing so about this film. I think one's much more common than the other (the two arguments you laid out) but I bet I'll be proved wrong by any comments below this one).

Dick Rockhard, I thought the hat thing did sound like an insult. As if him picking actors, going to locations, filming and editing was in any way analogous to choosing to wear a hat when leaving the house. Well, it's either an insult or a stupid, pointless thing to say.

I did like the letter from the crew in that Deadline article. Conveniently ignoring that they've worked on two of the worst films of the last decade, they criticise Fox from some sort of moral high ground.

Chloe > Kreuk, I'm afraid, ZMF.

Do you like turkish baths?

If this film was made by someone else
Say, some film student or some random guy made an identical film. Would we have even heard of it? I'm obviously not arguing from authority as I haven't seen it, but it just seems a bit…trying to think of a clever word…

Not everyone can manage it, but I had support from friends and family, and I managed to pull it out at the last minute.

I've never even seen
One episode of General Hospital. Was he good fun in it?

The "King Turd" collection is 12 DVDs with every episode and a bunch of extras on them. Er, apparently, I heard.

His new book is called "The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet", which isn't the greatest title ever, and follows that "Event X of Character Y" template which sounds a bit corny once you've seen enough of them.

I needed to start it again, because the opening 20 pages or so kinda make more sense when you've got to the end. I dug it.

Please don't repost them in every WUiB thread. Unless you want everyone to really not like you. And like Rowan said, it's quite unlikely we'll be getting a vote again any time soon.

I hope you pick mine
My previous account's excellent suggestion "Cloud Atlas".

It's not bad. I'd be happy to watch it if I were on and a bit drunk and I'd lost the remote. Math guy's girlfriend was hot too.

Completely agree about Barney. He's been way too broad and out of character this season. I'm just getting bored by it. I think I've waited long enough, now. Show me the fucking mother. The Lost reference was completely appropriate too.