Oswald Defence Lawyer

I love you Judge Reinhold

I sort-of laughed once.

Has Chris Kattan got blackmail material on the heads of all the networks? The guy deserves to be tarred and feathered after Corky Romano, and the fact he's still in work makes me sad.

As far as I remember from the book, Frank did "pick" the movies, in that he had the job of watching piles of old crap and finding things that could be good for them to riff on. His explanation for "Starfighters" is pretty special.

It was good, but horribly flawed, making it perfect fodder for this list.

Both La Jetee and 12 Monkeys are both fantastic. 12 Monkeys is my favourite Gilliam film.

The book was great, the film was kinda boring and annoying, and nowhere near as good as he could have been. A fictionalised documentary would have been much better.

Zid, to say the majority of people here think the ending is going to suck means you're only reading the comments you want to read. There are at least as many people who think it's going to be awesome.

There's logical holes which didn't need to be there, is what the tone of this thread seems to be. Anyone jumping to the show's defence must appreciate that, at least.

The "sex" scene (watchers of the show will know what I'm talking about) is perfect fare for watching with your elderly relatives.

I dug it, but I think they spent a hell of a lot of time on this storyline (the entirety of two seasons, pretty much).

Another vote for the Chang thing making no sense.

Sister City was balls, although I seem to recall it getting a really good review on here. I rushed on to share my disappointment with you all and not enough people were disappointed.

Egg Sucking Dog, completely agree. The stupider it got, the more it resembled yer average Marvel comic, and the less I liked it.

Pontifex, it's available from a torrent site near you. It's really, seriously brilliant. My favourite new show of last year.

Season 1 was great up to the blue-ball ending (a fine description). I abandoned season 2 after about 3 episodes and never went back, and never regretted that decision.

You should have logged in for that. My first laugh of the day.

That scene with Sarah Shahi in her underwear repaid me for being a fan, I feel.