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Now with famous / wealthy people avoiding jail time!

The Information, I like the cut of your jib.

It's not really Irish
I couldn't hear any Irish in that at all. I live about 30 miles from the real Sherwood Forest, and know those local accents…and Crowe doesn't do that bad of a job.

*writes a cheque for 1 million dollars for this idea*

BFCN (20YA) - are you saying we should have judged Pushing Daisies on the same level as tedious procedurals like CSI? Really?

Eh, thumbs down. Chuck has been spinning its wheels for a very long time now. Just watch one of the old series and pretend it's the new series, the effect will be the same and the network can try making a new show.

Pushing Daisies was one idea repeated over a season-and-a-half. It was never going to change, ever, which is why I'm glad it got cancelled before I had the chance to grow tired of the same characters doing the same thing in the same ways.

That McSweeneys book is awesome too.

And "Unholy Warcry" is one of the greatest songs ever.

Love the father-son dynamic they have. I love that the show can have stuff like that along with the crazy and make both seem part of the same universe.

That makes more sense. I think I was tired when I posted that.

13 and Taub have now been in the show as long as Jennifer Morrison was, so I'm also drawing a blank as to why she's still in the credits.

I kinda liked it, a little, but it was so odd and disjointed that I couldn't make head or tail of it. They should pack the next one even fuller of UFC fighters.

"Was a crush"
You act like the guy's dead. Why not just phone McKellen and ask him?

Clearly, DPA, if you think Eastbound and Down is on the same planet, quality-wise, as Fawlty Towers, then I don't think there's a lot to debate with you. And it's not the premise that made EB&D bad, any more than it's the reason that Fawlty Towers is near-perfect; one of them is written very, very well, and one is

I did like how the news piece didn't mention that the show was fucking rubbish, and didn't deserve as many episodes as it got. It's like it got cancelled by accident, or something.

I loved the Parole Officer, and thought Coogan was kinda at a good level in the USA - not a Gervais, but certainly as good as any British comedian has done there.

Lenny Henry (True Identity) and Rik Mayall (Drop Dead Fred) both failed pretty miserably in the USA, but not as badly as you failed. At everything.

I watched the first three and barely laughed. All I saw was someone acting like an asshole and everyone being nice to him.

Wow, did you ever fail to punch that Secret Girlfriend up.