
I agree with that whole heartedly. It drives me crazy.

Agreed! She's a using POS. Remember when she ditched Hannah at her dad's house, flaked on her abortion appointment, set Hannah's bf up with another chic and didn't tell Hannah, lied about rehab, full on drug addict who stole from her employer, married a dude she hated for money, etc., etc., She's a junkie garbage

I really want a Laird and Caroline spinoff. ♡

Let's not forget that Jessa is a junkie. I mean she's currently on the wagon, but she's still a selfish, decietful, user of people. Never trust a junkie.

Jessa is awful. I hate her.


A+ I loved that Fiona got some!

They had the exact coordinates so they were going to find the barrels whether Walt had mentioned the money or not.

I miss Owen.

Gawd this episode was awful. Probably one of the worst to date and that is saying a lot.

Not true. Hate watching + bitching about it is delightfully cathartic.

I've been hate watching this show and this is the only episode that I have ever liked and I am thrilled. I think it is because Maggie Jordon didn't have much to say. Also, the episode was heavy so they character's dialog seemed much more real because it wasn't just a long string of B.S. snappy, witty facts, comebacks

Wow, what a fantastic episode. I loved seeing Pinkman finally stepping up and I LOVED his gasoline therapy sesh.

They've made 6 of those!?

I love you.

You people are Mickey - Fickey crazy!

Enough already! We get it, you don't like Angelina Jolie. Your reasons, however, are weird, off topic and unfunny.

Yeah, the book was amazing. This movie is so not the book. The only resemblance is Israel and even that was changed for the worse.

I LOVED the submarine story!

I totally agree with you and have been hate-watching for some time now. I just can't believe anybody really likes this show. Also I love Hope Davis.