
Arlene: "My keeeds!"

Agreed! Also, more penis and kill Violet.

Isn't feeding sort of a sexual act for vamps? I was really grossed out when Tara fed on her mom. YUCK!

I think that in this True Blood world, where deaths are a dime a dozen and don't seem to matter, it is inconsistent and kind of boring to deal with Terry's (and only Terry's) death with any real depth. While I do love the show, poignancy, logic, and great acting is not among its strengths.

True Dat!

I am not sure why I continue to watch this show. I think it is because I want to like it, but I just can't make myself. I hate, hate, hate the dialog. It is so unnatural, like a bunch of mono toned, quick thinking, know-it-all robots. This alone makes the show unbelievable and then, for me, it becomes just a boring,

1.  I guess Alcide is off the steroids and suddenly mister nice guy again and no one cares that he was a homicidal maniac for the past few weeks. 
2. Sookie looks painfully skinny and  it makes her eyes look like sunken black buttons. Is it her terrible eye shadow? She used to look solid and healthy and now I'm kind of

Intense. Loved this episode.

Perfect. As long as you say it uncomfortably and unbelievably fast.

Just the closeted Republican ones…

I know! Zero sense.

1. Werewolves can only stand in a wide stance or they will fall over. Also they and are boring assholes. 
2. When confronted with an opportunity to be broken out of a death camp one should always choose option B: vampire dick. Brilliant, Jessica!
3.  Quit yer bitchin' Andy Belfluer! According to Bill one of his civil

I appreciate the amount of thought and science that went into your response. I have a feeling, however, the writers of this show wouldn't know what you're talking about.

Yeah, you're right. I have watched a Sorkin show before and I guess my conclusion is that Sorkin shows get on my nerves. It all seems so preachy and full of nothing, but big, long set-ups for "zingers."

I'm not sure why everyone is hating on the first two seasons, but I liked them.


Can someone please explain to me what the fuck happened to Alcide? Is he on steroids or something? Where are all these anger management issues coming from? He used to be a laid back good guy and now he's a one-note 'roid head. Whaaaa happened?

I cannot stand the Maggie Jordon character, She seems like a terrible person, annoying, high strung and self righteous. Additionally, I'm so bored with this witty, quick paced banter from every single character. I want to like this show, I really do, but I'm annoyed and bored.

I agree. Also, she seemed like she was stalking rather than "flirting."

What Bullet needs is a text messaging plan. Could have sent Holder the deets and been done with it.