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    What is BMO doing while all of this is happening? Inquiring minds demand answers!

    I also think they introduced Mart to showcase how much Ezra has matured over time. Ezra's attitude and maturity seem to vary episode to episode, so this comparison doesn't carry any weight. As far as filler goes, this episode leaves much to be desired.

    Yeah, Alex totally whiffed on that little girl part. The Man clearly put the fat bearded guy's brain in a bag and fed that to The Murphy. I was totally engrossed on this episode.

    Do I have to bring my own goat to the game or will the opposing team supply them?

    My schadenfreude has to supplied somehow. The Cubs seem like a consistent source.

    you guessed it…..Frank Stallone.

    It will be cousin Oliver all over again!

    if you pick a yellow hat, you automatically get a free small monkey.

    Oooh, a lesson in not changing history from "Mr. I'm-my-own-grandpa". Let's get the hell out of here already! Screw history! ~ Professor Farnsworth

    cars v. tightens, the classic matchup.

    Will they be following the biblical cubits dimensions and FTL specifications that God gave Noah?

    I now have new goals for the next dinner party I go to.

    Juggalos are not scary. Sad and pathetic most certainly, but not scary.

    If the book looks a little thin, Brian Williams can give her a few pointers.

    When the wildfire exploded and Cersei was shown watching, I could only think of the Rains of Castamere lyrics. "Lion still has claws. And mine are long and sharp my lord, as long and sharp as yours". https://www.youtube.com/wat…

    This is now a contest to see whom is the worst written character.

    I'm going to say the long haired Bruce Wayne doppelganger is suppose to be Lincoln March (Thomas Wayne Jr). That ties in with the court of owls. Why he was in Indian Hill is a mystery. http://batman.wikia.com/wik…

    Earth-2's Big Belly Burger to feed his prisoners.

    Harrison Wells is Earth-2's Christian Bale.

    If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.