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    His plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan… it spun in. There were no survivors.


    I think his point is something along the line that present day culture tends toward a young black man being more likely to be searched, pulled aside for "random" pat downs, etc., than it would for a white boy. I think his point stands.

    Glass does not flow out of windows. I don't know what whackadoo site you picked that up from, but its not true. Follow your own advice and use google to see that myth has been debunked repeatedly. You might as well claim the earth is flat. Stop reading B.o.B's tweets for all of your scientific information.
    The "Life

    Your grasp of the difference between architecture and party favors is truly staggering. Your grasp of the decomposition of everyday materials not so much. No one is going to argue about the helium filled balloons. That was just lazy and stupid. Maybe its magic tree leaves or magnets something. Who fucking knows.

    A. glass is not a liquid and it will not drip out. https://www.youtube.com/wat….
    B. Pyramids of Egypt still rocking after 4500 years.
    C. It's on MTV. They know who their target audience is.

    The dimension tunnel also show the ring of the legion of superheroes!

    Because……Lion? Maybe he brought air for Steven.

    Once the pits are full of bodies, they will douse them with fuel and burn them. There were multiple corpse pits and some of them may have been recently incinerated.

    The only political allegory you can make here is how the challenger candidate can make outlandish claims and promises to win an election, that never have to be fulfilled once elected. That pretty much goes for all American elections.

    When the comet was talking about good and evil, the scene stayed on Finn when good was mentioned and flashed to the lich when evil was mentioned. Finn's comet may have brought life and the lich's brought death. This comet just pretty much got rid of Martin.

    Lazy set designs tonight in the prison cell. No prison in the world would have open fluorescent bulbs for lighting in a prison cell which might be used for weapons. I'm not speaking from experience per se….

    How many courics is that? I believe the record is slightly more than 100 courics held by Randy Marsh.

    Because the one thing this show has in spades is trained machinists, right tools and materials…..

    Anyone catch the white graffiti on the wall "Wolves Not Far"?. Maybe the raiders that attacked Noah's people? Also what's the deal with the "XX" carved on the dismembered walker's foreheads?

    I thought maybe he had a metal plate in his head. They really failed to explain how he could just brush off the multiple arrow wounds, take a beating from Ted and keep going.

    The last few episodes have had Felicity act sullen and uncharacteristically judgemental. Felicity claiming Oliver is still alive when everyone else thinks the worst or giving him advice to change his path in Season 1, is classic Felicity. Past few episodes with refusing to help Ray with the chip, saying the team is

    I don't agree the moral stance worked. Brick has beaten the cops and shown Team Arrow that they can't stop him without powerful help. Felicity offers no solutions. She just pontificates on what Oliver would want. When it is shown that Oliver has no problem with receiving help from Malcolm, she continues to pout. To me

    I use to love Felicity's quips and perky attitude. Now I can't stand her moral stances when the city is going to shit. Are the writers trying to make us hate her or make Laurel less annoying by comparison?

    All meals are cooked in a 1993 Easy-bake Oven and Snack Center because the chef do not trust new fangled cooking technology.