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    This scratched an itch I didn't know I had. Keep it up O'Neal.

    traditionally there would be many branch families, as well as the main branch, under the umbrella of the clan name. Decendants get married and take new surnames, yadda yadda.

    I think it was meant to imply Bendu sensed something from her, perhaps that the force has some destiny for her. Kanan says earlier that it was not coincidence that she got the dark saber.

    It still seems like a statement of fact, with comparison to the crowds, rather than an attack on Trump. Either way, pulling the plug on the account comes across as both petty retribution and an attempt to silence the truth. No one is disputing that the crowd size was different.

    If I'm not mistaken the pictures shown, are of the national mall area which, are administered by the National Park Service.

    So the only good mother, out of the entire Star Wars franchise, appears in the Star Wars Christmas Special. I give you Malla, wookie milf and stay at home mother.

    Not sure if it's covered in the book, but if all of our forces sent overseas to fight were killed or captured, it would have left the states lightly defended. the cowboys of texas at that time would have had hunting rifles and shotguns to defend themselves against the nazi and japanese war machine. Texas and the south

    Aaron Rodgers stays hot and the Green Bay Packers move on to play Dallas. I hate to admit that the Packers looked pretty bad for the first quarter and half before get 2 touchdowns in the last 2.5 minutes including a Hail Mary. I hope Jordy Nelson is not seriously hurt after that crushing blow to his ribs. Big game for

    I also loved Nardole in this. The banter back and forth with the Doctor was great. I thought to myself, after seeing next season's trailer, that I am not looking forward to the new companion as much as I am hoping for more Nardole.

    TV head girl was Sleeping Beauty!

    Whovian is going to get carpal tunnel from all these comments.

    Three Alexandrians have stood up to him and all three survive. I think Negan enjoys the challenge as everyone else is cowed by him. He does not consider them real threats, but a sort of temporary amusement to pass the time.

    It's not the years honey, it's the mileage.

    So, Chekhov's gun at the end with Sabine picking up the dark saber. Finally the crossover we have all been vaiting for.

    I think the hosts are the victims and we are supposed to sympathize with them. The moment they begin to kill the guests, they are no better than their former masters. I don't know about you, but I have been conditioned to fear and hate homicidal robots: cyclons, terminators, the matrix and so on.

    You can't put TV headed women into a coma every week!

    Caitlin's default mode is standby in lab, look pretty and solve occasional problems. Now she has powers and can theoretically be more involved in the episode to fight villains. At least that is what I think the writers decided to do.

    Her first idea was to get to the waterfront to help Barry. WTF is she going to do? Then she sends in her friends to fight to save Barry with zero regard for Caitlin's condition. Iris is written as the worst kind of person.

    1. She has been doing this for the past few episodes.
    2. But he still has not definitively said that. Again it's been hinted the past few episodes.
    3. Maeve had her programming updated and manipulated hosts but that does not make an army if she has to give verbal commands to each one individually and vocally.
    4. we knew

    Well the upcoming miniseries is titled Islands.