The Quirk

And Plato/Socrates wouldn't want them to.

Just got through seeing Altman's The Long Goodbye. Y'know, I would never have pegged Elliot Gould as a tough guy, but it works.

Meanwhile, I've been watching Mock The Week and QI on youtube like a total berk.

Read a good deal of Patton Oswalt's Silver Screen Fiend. I don't know if it was written on a red-bull-and-benzedrine rush at 4A, but that's how it reads. You know that guy at the bus station who's a little too alert, talks too fast and too loud, and has no regard for personal space? I don't know if this is Patton's…

I read the Village Voice and never knew it was in any other paper til now.

Old school MAD Magazine, like around 60's-70's, and Sports Review Wrestling Illustrated with Apartment House Wrestling. Throw in some early 70's Marvel comics, and you have my DNA.

One from a Stan Lee cameo (imagine that!) that breaks me up every time.

I've got three kids and no money! Why can't I have no kids and three money?

Oooh, the relentless chicanery!

Five, six, goodbye hicks!

"O Ma-aarge, you came and you found me a turkey/ On my vacation away from work-ey."

C'mon, nobody just says D'oh! all the time?

My History professor IN COLLEGE showed a few episodes of I, Claudius, "to show the Imperial Roman philosophy and culture". Nobody paid any attention until some naked boobs showed up, but at least it was Freshman college.

If an animated show like Bob's Burgers can make the cut, you owe it to Eternal Truth to include something from Spongebob Squarepants.

Donnie says vacuum, do you get that, Science Partner?

And fucking Romney is still making noises like he's going to run again.

The same people who gave Dr's Oz and Keith Ablow degrees in medicine.

When I first saw that pic, I thought it was Angie Jolie wearing a period outfit.

Don't know if it's been mentioned downthread yet, but it's common knowledge that the Bieb's muscles and dick were photoshopped for the CK ad.