The Quirk

It's beyond simple editing at this point and needs an X-tinction Level Event.



Six minutes in the microwave!

I need to find a decent pair of shoes for standing upright all day. My current shoes are a $30 pair with velcro fasteners. I'm lazy so I like the velcro, but they fall apart after about six months.

Had a dream two nights ago where I was drowning, woke up unable to breath. Felt tired all day, worried about sleep apnea. And I'm NOT getting one of those damn Darth Vader masks.

VERY slow shipping times.

I always thought 'Morphine' would make a great girl's name.

Hooray for finally getting back into therapy! Not just talking to my drug-provider for ten minutes to see if I deserve another prescription, but actual sessions with a shrink.
The first session was OK, but it was mostly him warning me that if I wanted to hurt myself/someone or had any sexual thought involving children

John C. Reilly— Fathom the Bowl
The Gothic Archies— The World Is A Very Scary Place
The Swans — The Sound of Freedom
Tragedy — the Bee Gees

Isn't Mortdecai just Clouseau with a different accent? Please tell me, I need to know how much to despise this.

Beginning to feel a touch of Jack Torrance; snow predicted, can't tell when it's going to start, cold as balls outside.

All is forgiven if he took a swing at Tom Cruise.

I still think my coinage of "clitosaurus" deserves Classics Status.

Naw, NK will immediately beg South Korea to swallow them up whole. SK will be completely unprepared for this.

MM's videos are great with the sound turned off.

Is it possible that we're just surrounding by boring kids imitating Manson? When everybody imitated Ziggy Stardust, Bowie moved on; the difference between genius and the merely clever.

Big Merritt and Magnetic Fields fan, but never heard of this particular group til now. Thanks!

Daily Show audience likes to at least pretend to be liberal and tolerant, maybe they'll watch out of obligation. Also, it's between Stewart and @ Midnight, so it's a nice package.

Good Lord, he looked old back in the early 70's, when I watched Hee Haw. RIP.