
In what way is Jenna so fascinating? What made F&G characters so compelling and same for the O.C., which this show definitely has some debt to, is that often the actors were mostly playing themselves. Does Jenna seem like she would be the way she is on the show in real life? Not really. Its not totally believable

This show makes me sad. It went from having an amazing first few episodes that showed so much promise to being merely content to settle with being an uncomfortable mix of "Undressed" style romantic expose and a modern feminist's wish fulfillment fantasy of high school. When I watch these later-in-the-season episodes

I have given this show about as much creative license as I can. Its just unacceptably terrible and I keep hoping it will dispense with the special effects and go back to the allegory-heavy plots of the first season. This show is quickly becoming "nothing bad can ever happen to Sookie and various other characters, no

So wait, whose ass do we get to see, and is it nice? I would not mind seeing some naked Chris Carmack even if this whole movie is a slog.

I find it disconcertingly difficult to take Jake seriously as a heterosexual. It just doesn't seem very believable and as the episodes wear on him playing flamboyancy and neuroticism indeed does become awkward, but more for the viewer.

Every time I see Martin Starr I fap furiously.

Hey, AVclub staff, what happened to the Top Chef Just Desserts review that was scheduled in the calendar for tonight? No review, and disappeared from the calendar.


I just think you were in a very different place when you wrote the article as a semi-scholarly piece (which it works well as) then perhaps many viewers are when they casually watch it. So yeah, your points are all valid, I'm just not sure all the watchers of the show want to delve that deep. And at this point, I'm not

"Comment on my #Awkward review suggests a "hilarious recap" approach is more fitting for the show. Trying to contest w/o seeming elitist." - myles' twitter

I'm sure your analyses of the show are both well-intentioned and accurate, its simply that I feel that the show carries a very clearly lighthearted tone at the end of the day, even if it sometimes tackles tough subject matter. I agree completely about "Awkward" sitting on a fine line. That is a great way to put it and

So glad AV has included coverage of this. Hopefully its not just a one-off again. Rather than read an essay of the merits/problems with the show I'd really rather just read a hilarious recap. Koski Marah or Teti available?

so now we have to learn basic html for this shit? Damn, this is gonna devolve into a shitstorm of   fancy text.


How do I get the bold/italics stuff?

I for one welcome our new Disqus overlords (please don't hurt me).

I'm 12 and what is this?

my childhood dog's name was snickers
I miss you so much boy. I should have been stroking your fur when you had cancer, not taking drugs. You meant everything to me. I'm so sorry. I miss you every night.

I felt this episode stood strong
The story was forced, but it usually feels forced, and at least this time the writers managed to inject a lot of humor and believable human drama into the mix. I'd say for me this has been the strongest episode of the season and I'm pretty glad to see Helia return.
On a random note,

This is literally one of the most well-written tv show reviews I have read on this site in maybe a year. Please keep it up!