
I like how a show on ABC "Family"
just blatantly ignores how much of the plots is based on pedophilia, and literally child pornography. I mean what's next, A makes a snuff film?

I was 10 when this show premiered
I remember loving music in the late 90's-early 2000's that a lot of people think is mainstream garbage but that holds a special place in my heart. And now, I can't bear to listen to top 40 radio, dubstep and chillwave annoy me and I've made fun of and hated new fads even though I was

stories of "todd's dakota time"

Claire-Best Rants Ever
You manage to turn an uninteresting bore-fest into something that's at least exciting to read about. Kudos!

question for Myles
Do you not get to chose the photo that accompanies an article? Is TVDW really copy-editing in the middle of the night or is it like chosen well ahead of time?

I haven't seen Chiana in years
She and her brother went to elementary school with me for a little while before their father died. She was such a cute kid! It would be cool to see what she's up to now.

I truly hope
the upcoming weeks prove to be a challenge as Grant and Matt must face their increasingly obvious sexual tension between one another.

I kind of thought we'd find out Jenna can see or something
That would make this make slightly more sense. I think the writers got loose after the summer finale (which was a good one). In actuality, the story is more interesting as a coming-of-age story in Pennsylvania than a boilerplate murder mystery. Think vampire

It wasn't the best finale ever
But it made me cry, and whether you loved it or hated it, it sure makes you think. I personally would have opted for the car driving over a cliff but I think the overarching theme of love being the only thing that transcends death, was carried by the writers, to the end. As Barb blessed

This is easily the least phoned-in sounding TVDW review I've read in a long time
Well Todd, if you love making fun of the show, which you clearly do, it makes it a really enjoyable read, even if the show is sort of wacky. Imagine giving one of the Hell's Kitchen people a real restaurant. This show needs someone

Hasn't this always been somewhat of a sore spot?
The advertisers want the 18-49 demographic but the 50+ demographic have the money and are actually watching TV as opposed to downloading it. If 18-30 year old's suddenly decided to give up BitTorrent and Usenet and being the upper class, then yeah, this list would

Did anything actually even happen this episode?
Cast was like, well we make money whether we do shit or not and we are kinda getting cabin fever and know its over soon so lets just do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Also I think whenever Sammi talks it should be bleeped out as a matter of course. She is nails on a chalkboard.

OMFG he likes different things than we do: QUICK shun him!
How old are you people? I like different television shows than you do. Life will go on. A troll is not just anyone who disagrees with you.

How about?
Internest-Based Audio Broadcast Written Primarily by White, Male, 20-30 something, College-Educated, Urban-Dwellers targeted primarily at that same demographic?
I guess we can't say Yuppie because hipster is the new yuppie.

Just Give the shows an F
Lets assume, all things being equal and semi-objective, that 20% of television is A material, 20% is B etc. So why not just give out F's to mindless garbage like this? I know your job is to make people watch tv and they aren't going to read your articles if you trash the vast majority of

Um maybe its because the shows aren't good that the ratings suck
I hate all of NBC's current Primetime, Community, Parks and Rec, the Office, etc. I never have and never will find any of those shows funny. They cater to middlebrow and phone it in like whoa. And I'm not just a hater. I just think these shows go for

That was easily one of the finest episodes of television
I have seen in years. If you have not seen it yet, do yourself a favor and watch it.

Great Actress
With some time and experience- just needs better material. The episode was hard to watch. I'm pleased to see that Cadie is back, as she is really the only character who intrigues me. I really hope the show will stop falling back on heterosexual male driven wish fulfillment (aka every female character is

I thought this episode was the worst since the first episode, seriously. The plot was so bad, hard to believe, the acting stale, just everything that could be wrong was.

at least Cadie is interesting
Most of the actors in this show make me cringe yet I actually enjoyed last week's episode. They should just run with the plot of the insane asylum, its really the only thing that works for me. Stanley was just a dull character played straight…by a dull actor.