Irene Ringworm

Saw this movie in the theater as an impressionable teenager . . .
. . .and was disappointed because Julie Brown kept her top on.

In England
we call them chips.

The SNL stuff is marginal
but McCain's bit on Conan O'brien is some of the funniest crap I've ever seen.


Christine McGlade
from You Can't Do That on Television.

My favorite Wagner
is Tristan und Isolde.

Please interview

Probably the only commenter
who actually watched this movie. It's not much of a movie - pretty much an unfocused rant barely structured around the Christmas Carol concept -but there are moments of greatness. The suicide bomber training video, the jihadist mastermind doing the chicken dance, the running joke about

That chick looks like
Robin Tunney's kid sister.

Makes Anne Geddes
seem less like Satan.

I the Alt key . . .

Postman would have liked 2.5 men
As I recall, Postman's view was that the TV was best used for mindless entertainment. And he's okay with that. But he didn't like that TV was used for stuff like education and news, for the reasons you mention. I think that he'd despise the Discovery Channel, PBS and CNN for

Four words:
Sausage Gravy Double Gulp

I still think the greater crime
is that Beverly Hills Chihuahua scored $26 million this weekend.

was just so much fun.

Michael Cera
can do no wrong.

Would rather have a Rachel Perry doll
. . . or Perry Como.

Longing for the old days . . .
. . . when Christianity inspired the world's greatest art instead of didactic morality tales.

Vin Diesel and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

The Union Dues I was Forced to Pay
As a University of Oregon employee were used to pay for a carload of union management-types to participate in this brainless endeavor. I wish the cops would have killed a couple of them.