Irene Ringworm

Hate to hate on the hater
but the jury's still out on this one. The hate on corn syrup is largely a sugar lobby tactic to gain advantage over the (heavily subsidized) corn industry. There's no good data suggesting that the glucose/fructose/sucrose triumvirate found in corn syrup is any more or less harmful than

You forgot to mention
American Carol.

I wonder which 15th century monastic tradition…
…will sue first?

This Republican and 30 Rock Fan
was in heaven. My two favorite women become one. Be still my beating heart.

I know! Your Wednesday Interview is with
Bill "Billy" Mumy

Why is it funny when SNL says it and not me?

Might be the first time
that Obama actually gets some tough questions.

If Obama had the cajones that Sarah Palin's got
Blajegovich would be unemployed and the Daleys would be in prison.

Newsweek once said that Oprah
was like a bad church. The Obama campaign is like a worse church.

Wasn't Master of Puppets
a cautionary tale about cocaine addiction?

Irony is for wimps. The better term for Dragonforce and their contemporary superiors (Blind Guardian, Rhapsody of Fire, etc.) is "escapist". When you stop to think about it it's sort of silly but it's a hell of a lot of fun to listen to.

Eleventh Hour
is the only one that looks even remotely worth watching.

I live every night like it's shark week!

Tell me more of this Gos of whom you speak

Dan Hedaya
in Dick. Best. Nixon. Ever.

Regardless of what she becomes, in the few chapters where she is "just a teacher" she doles out plenty of evil. That five-oclock-on-Friday detention is far more evil than anything Snape does.

Snape? What about Dolores Umbridge?
Snape is sort of a mixed bag but Umbridge is pure evil.

Al Pacino's Looking for Richard…
… is an odd little movie.

Ann Coulter is funny as hell, once you get past the visceral response.

Good for my self-esteem
to know that someone else might be interested in my Clone Trooper-themed cross-stitch