Irene Ringworm

Never been to Pink's, but I'm pretty sure that nothing can beat Tommy's sausage and egg breakfast sandwich. Sausage, egg, cheese, beefsteak tomato, and a ladle of chili. Fan-freaking-tastic

Real Angelenos
Eat at Tommy's.

I stole this bit shamelessly from Sarah Silverman

Boycott sounds gay
I mean gay like retarded.

James Franco
Owned that monkey as a roommate movie.

The Family Guy version sucked . . .
. . . but what I've seen of this looks promising. The FG thing made me laugh exactly twice, and I was disappointed that the "uncut" version released on DVD didn't do much more than give various droids a couple of F-bombs. Talk about "pop culture as punchline". What a piece of

Killer Klowns Reissue
is PG-13, despite gratuitous use of the phrase "big boobs"

Pixar stuff is pretty good
Sarah McLachlan sings "when she loved me" in the movie, but Newman's version on the soundtrack is amazing.

What about Gorky Park?

I collected trucker hats . . .
. . . as a Mormon missionary in Idaho fifteen years ago. I still sport my Malad Oil and RV Park Cap on my days off. Suck on that, JT!

Ever the Media Whore
I was at Universal Studios once back in SBTB's heyday - double-D himself shows up to the park. Not as some sort of promotional gig or anything to do with the park. Just to show up.

Rewatching Season Six
in anticipation of the movie. Brilliant because they had the creative freedom to do whatever they wanted - comedy, horror, an homage to the Great American Pastime.

In Germany…
… the dubbed voice for Estelle Getty sounded like an effeminate Chewbacca.

and the reruns online (hulu &c.) don't have the annoying peacock

… redeems themselves of any and all alleged sins by renewing 30Rock.

Old-timers like me…
…still prefer Letterman.

Wait, I though he won that lifetime achievement award from the Pacific Rim Emmys. Isn't that enough for you?

Judging by what comments aren't deleted . . .
. . . your criteria seem quite liberal.

I'm surprised that no one likes My Hero. It's got Talking Babies!

And don't leave out the BBC
When that Irish dude left My Hero the show went down the tube