Irene Ringworm

30 Rock
Didn't Tracy Jordan have two different wives?

Is Henry Kissinger still alive?
Can we get him, too?

Tim Burston?
stupid monkey . . .

Did she really mean "too-precious"
… or "too pretentious"?

is so 1990s

Here in Oregon we call it "Why Pay Less?"

Going and going
Saw John Hiatt in Austin a few months back with Lyle Lovett, Guy Clark, and Joe Ely. For a dude who must be pushing sixty he's still got it where it counts. Love the "Old Days" as much as I love his old stuff.

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What killed it for me was the wholly unnecessary epilogue-by-way-of-text. End the movie right after the line "They call me Mr. Glass" - cut to the credits and you've got a perfect movie.

Peaked with Unbreakable
… which would have been a near perfect movie if they had cut out the last thirty seconds.

I got my babyback babyback babyback…
Maybe the best episode of the Office ever

May be too late but
… What a Dummy? with the self-aware ventriloquists' dummy?

I hated the first one
Hate might be too strong a word, but its disappointing to see such potential fall flat.

800 words . . .
. . . about pre-adolescent Harry living under the Dursleys' staircase? How would that work?

Murray? Mur-rreay… MURRAY!

Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter together
might convince Republicans to accept gay marriage?

But she hasn't aged well

Joan made Toys almost watchable
Well, Joan and Yeardley Smith. And the soundtrack.

Pooping co-wrote "A Beautiful Mind"
I Keed may have the mainstream cred, but it's all about "Together in Pooping"

Lost last half of comment
My friend and I used that line continually for most of our high school years. No one else got it. Which explains a lot about the rest of my life.