Irene Ringworm

I am only a little bit ashamed to admit publicly that
N*SYNC occupies a small piece of digital real estate on my iPod. I like it because it's honest music. No pretense. Never pretends to be anything other than overproduced throwaway pop.

Terrorist doing the chicken dance
Oh yeah, that guy.

First season of Alias . . .
. . . ushered me into manhood. Except that I was married and had two kids already.

He's no secret Muslim
but he might be a secret alien. The outer space kind, I mean.

He's no secret Muslim
but he might be a secret alien. The outer space kind, I mean.

There was a retarded dude who rode the bus in Eugene that was always talking about trying to patent a hoverboard. And about how his girlfriend got tested for AIDS.

From the description is probably tastes like Crystal Pepsi
which was sort of like drinking Noxczema.

Meconium has that greenish bile tinge. Maybe a little bit of food coloring and mint flavor.

I think you're on to something. We're not likely to have any more children but I'll suggest it to our friends.

And the poopy diaper game
wherein contestants must identify the brand of candy bar that has been melted in a disposable diaper, is a big hit at baby showers these days. My wife always wins.

ZIT Poppers
were disappointing for exactly the reasons you describe. There's something distinctly pleasurable about squeezing the pus out of a turgid pimple. Fifteen years past high school the pleasure comes less and less frequently. The first product to recreate that experience, candy or otherwise, will have a

For the heterosexual couple…
… how about dressing as Daddy Warbucks and Sexy Annie? Suggested by a local radio personality last season. Wrong for so many reasons.

Shouldn't this be a
Better Late Than Never? Or which ever one of those other "reviewing movies that aren't currently in theaters" features that populate this site?

The full movie is available
online at hulu.com (legally). I tried watching it while I was bedridden a few weeks back and couldn't make it more than fifteen minutes. Almost completely unwatchable…

Elmo wants you to go pee-pee
in the potty.

Chocolate Skittles

Big fan of
his barbecue sauce. Oh wait . . .

They showed this trailer at
American Carol, as well as the trailer for W. As a trinity I think that these movies have zero shared audience.

That's an issue that I'll have to pass on. Even in the day, Downtown Julie Brown wasn't pinup material. Just thinking about it made me throw up in my mouth a little.
