
It was alright, some of the jokes seemed to be repeats from earlier episodes, such as Cartman thinking other kids playing fantasy are lame.
It also seemed to smell a littttle too much like an Xbox One and PS4 commercial, but I suppose Go God Go seemed like a Wii Commercial too.
Speaking of the Wii, where was my Wii U

Oh goodness, Family Fracas. I forgot that that episode existed. Not a fan or that one at all~!

I stand by the past two episodes having felt a little tame, but I'll reserve judgement until more of the season has gone by. Certainly should be considering the fact that I'm probably watching backlogged episodes

Well, I liked the first two episodes at least, perhaps we just got two duds in a row here.

I dunno I think this season's showing a little bit of age. Solid episode, but the banter seems a little less frantic and inspired than before.
Yet, it was great to see Dr. Yap again.
Also, coincidentally, I had just met with Johnathan Katz yesterday for reasons that I'll spare y'all, so it was a pleasant little

it's not brickleberry, but it's close.

I hope you check out seasons 1-3, there's some really really brilliant episodes there. And yes to Kristen Schaal's character being the best! Louise for life~!

The Simpsons has been tame for the past 15 years.
Family Guy I'd argue has gotten only louder and more untame for the sake of being untame.

I must be the only one who actually really liked this new AD!.

I'm curious to know what you mean by Bob's Burgers being Foxified. I've personally been finding this latest season to be tamer/not as good as the past than usual, but perhaps that's not exactly what you meant

I cant adequately represent how much this comment made me laugh through a simple like, so here I am commenting.

This week's and the rather bland Mac and Dennis Buy a Time Share

Jesus? I'm pretty sure that all three of those religions believe in Jesus as a prophet (I think. Not very knowledgable on what muslims believe anyways). Could have worked some angle there, instead of the inconsequential ginger cow throwaway joke.
But again, I've made my point pretty clear I think, so I won't clog up

Ridiculous yeah, but I like to think more focused. My point about the ginger cow was that it seemed like such a bizarre and unrelated bit to the whole of the episode. Why not have something actually related to the religions in the episodes.
I have nothing wrong with absurd crazy plots, if I did I wouldn't like South

Well, I found the ginger cow too jarring and to be poor writing because it's not like Muslims, Jews, and Christians are in fact some entirely absurd made up thing like Mecha Streisand's whole mythos. Muslims, Jews, and Christians all exist and it just seemed like lazy writing to make them all suddenly have some

Oh well. We're clearly on way different wavelengths.

I agree with this. I wanted to fucking punch Stan, and I normally love Stan.

I just… I uh… well structured? Like last week with three incredibly disconnected plotlines somehow coincidentally mashing up ever so slightly with no real pay off? Fucking mind controlling plants, but it was actually a gameshow? A ginger cow being some prophetic symbol?
These to not a well structured story make.
A well

Dude, watch… Any episode from this year. It's all over the fucking place.