
As others have said, this was kinda similar to "The One That Got Away," one of my all time favorite episodes. Sadly this episode was kinda pale in comparison. Prolly give it a B- myself

It was Peter getting retribution for being a horrible dick. Can't even remember the last time that happened.

Yes the A plot was awful, but at least the B-plot gave us Peter getting shot in his fucking face. So that bumps up the grade.

Season 4 finale was one of the worst episodes of any television show ever.

Oh, I do agree that the Dean was written very well. He was easily the funniest/best written character last night., and the best he's been in a while.

Wow, I thought that this was really really bad. Like, would be been pretty low for the fourth season bad.
I thought the first two eps were quite solid, but jeez, if Harmon wasn't behind this one, I feel like everybody would have hated this one.

Oops, yes, I did mean Minstrel Krampus, thank you.

Idunno, something I like about American Dad is that really a lot of episodes DO have messages. They respect their characters and stories, and will often include messages and genuine emotion.
In terms of messages, this season so far we've at least gotten the message that you shouldn't objectify women from the opener,

I keep flip flopping between American Dad or South Park for goriest show on television (that I've seen. Maybe there's something else with an even bigger gore-fetish)

I was convinced that the episode's plot was going to be all about Roger pretending he still had powers and giving the family false prophecies, and having hilarity ensue. Thankfully, American Dad is the fucking least predictable show on television, so we got the most terrifying raccoon ever.
What a great episode this

"In bed with Big Toys."

Yeah but isn't the season going to air during the summer on TBS?

Oh man, Roger and Stan helping each other up the cliff, that made me laugh way harder than it should have. And then Roger's amazing 'Sttttaaaaaaaaaaaann' as he fell.
Also Steve's little dance when he starts his bad boy song. That whole song in general was great.
Also ALSO, the wall getting shot. That just killed me for

I agree, this episode was absolutely amazing.

Yeah, Stan's characterization the past couple of seasons has sort of veered into dick territory.

This episode was great because it was very character focused, getting loads of little cameos from all my favorite South Park Elementry-ers, just like the previous 3 episodes.
Plus it was a Wendy episode, and Wendy Testaburger is awesome.

Oh man, I forgot about "VERY ENERGETIC."

Wow, I had forgotten that that episode existed. Already!

Damn straight. You should see my legs after the workout that was standing up from the couch.

I think this review is silly (and also not very spell-checked. Get on that, McFarland!)
Why exactly does this episode have to cover every aspect of breaking bad? That clearly wasn't the point. Independent Movie went all out for being a parody, this didn't. This clearly was its own story with little nods to a show