
"towards hammering out a good story that actually makes sense."

Besides the name, Gun Fever Too was hardly like its predecessor - it was really an all new story. And it was very clever at that.

Well, not really in the case for World War Zimmerman, which I thought was TOO heavy handed in its message.

Oh absolutely. The real Bruce would have been much nicer. Who was clamoring for a random one-joke butt-of-a-joke one-time character to come back anyways?
And agreed that Bill Ponderosa is no fun. Mac Fights Gay Marriage is okay, but Dennis Gets Divorced is just… ugh.

I do agree that I hate when Kyle is treated as a butt-monkey, but this was far from the worst example of that. (Fucking Human CentIPad)
I think that it would have done this episode of world of justice if Kyle had gotten some revenge on Cartman instead of just taking his fart whipped cream dessert like a bitch.

This is eeeeeeasily the best episode of the season.
That said, it was only decent. I'll give it credit for not being heinously bad though. Somewhat actually character driven plot, nice actual jokes, plot was messy, but nowhere near as messy as everything else this season.
Plus I'm a sucker for Kyle in general, so it's


I do agree with the review, the episode seemed a little too set on simply referencing as much as possible as quickly as possible without much punch in the script itself.
That said, I disagree that Thundergun Express is one of the worst episodes. I actually just watched it today, and I loved it. You c'azy Dennis.

Hasn't he already appeared in past episodes? Or was that a different mailman. I remember a funny mailman bit about gifts, but I could be making it all up

Oh sweet jesus, that delivery..

I dunno, I wasn't really feeling this one. I had really enjoyed the first two eps of the season, but oddly, despite the crazy scenario of Seaplane, the episode in general just felt very low energy.

Oh, also, Steve's slideshow of all the other times he has "become a man." Amazing.

I don't think this ep was canon. But then again, what the hell IS American Dad canon anyways? This show gives no fucks, and only cares about telling compelling stories anyways

I agree, we absolutely need more Roger + Klaus.

Jesus, this may not have been my favorite episode of American Dad, but it just might have been the funniest I've seen since, like, Great Space Roaster or something.
Roger finding things "so interesting" had me rolling.
Stan's "you are a man. Only in the woods. And we're never coming back to the woods"
"You sure have

I honestly think that Rachel has done more work on Family Guy recently than she has on American Dad which is kind of hilarious. She voices loads of background characters on Family Guy now

Once upon a time, this show got a grade that wasn't a B or a B+.

I'm not meaning to defend the show, as Family guy is terrible, but all the cutaways you mentioned were previewed at Comic-Con this year.

So this is a pretty good episode if we ignore the painfully unfunny Apple material, and the main plot?

Wow. I completely did not notice that. Good catch, Less Intense Black Guy !