
Plus, it's not like anybody on here is responding "No, fuck you, you're an idiot bitch."
I mean, we're actually talking about the points and having (what appears to be) an intelligent conversation. So I'm pretty sure this is anything but youtube comments.

4 if you count Martina Martinez~

I'd disagree that you can jump in whenever you want… there's certainly a lot of reoccurring storylines with side characters, and the main characters have a pretty clear stream of character development (or devolvement, however you want to put it) and there's a lot of referencing past episodes. I think it'd be good to

I'd recommend episodes like "The Waitress is Getting Married" "Mac and Dennis Break Up" "Paddy's Pub: Home of the Original Kitten Mitten." All those happen to be from season 5, but season 4 is also transcendent.
Season 1 I don't particularly find that great, and season 2 I have some qualms with as well, but I realize

He just gets more and more adorable with each one.

Almost any time that Mac is onscreen with Dee is funnier with the knowledge that they are married IRL.

Well, I don't know if it's hateful or offensive frankly. How exactly does blackface differ from any other time that the gang has been incredibly horrible and depraved? Obviously it's charged with shock factor because blackface is so taboo nowadays, but I don't see what sets it apart from their other horrible actions.

By far the biggest laugh for me was the Dee strip club swap. Holy shit this episode was straight up amazing. Solid A from me. I'm probably not considering it intellectually or whatever, but I was laughing the whole way through really really hard, so wee, A.
Also Mac kissing Dee. Brilliant~

Well, homeland isn't really my favorite show, but I've actually liked this season a lot. Sure, it's focusing a lot on the emotional impacts, but it's compelling to watch. Keeps me interested at least.

Let's none of us forget about Dennis singing Never Gonna Give You Up

I don't think that they've had sex before, but I think it will happen before the show is over! Mac's just too infatuated with Dennis for it not happen - especially the cool stuff he can do with his dick.

Pretty much this. Except I did watch it, but regretted it immediately after. This season's easily the worst yet, which makes me a sad panda.

*Turns on a dime*

I do agree, that bummed me out slightly.

Mac and Dennis's moment boosted this at least half a grade.
Just as Mac was going in, Dennis turns away, too. Poor Mac~

Wat. I fucking loved this episode. No way this is a C+, no way.

Ultra gay.

Wow. This season is turning out pretty terrible. Contrary to the review, I thought this episode was just about as miserable as last week.

This was pretty damn great. I don't have much to say besides that I was ecstatic to see my favorite movie being parodied with pretty nice animation in one of my favorite shows. Charlie looks so adorable in cartoon form.

I don't see why this show would be non-canon. "May the Best Stan Win" was canon, wasn't it. And that included time traveling Mexican-Canadian Cyborgs. This show dun give a fuck~