
I mean, he did kill a pizza boy and burry him under the house, so.

"Her silence creates a spectral force of sexual desire that manifests as a poltergeist to wreck the Smith house unless Stan can reverse his selfishness in the bedroom and give Francine pleasure.
It’s a familiar and simple approach to the difficulty of broaching when physical needs aren’t being met(…)."
I just love these

Yess. This episode was really terrific. Millie was fucking terrifying.

Things are getting too spicy for the pepper here.

Peter Griffin is hands down the most unlikable protagonist of any show ever on TV. He's just fucking unpleasant to watch. And it's not like It's Always Sunny for example where you're supposed to say "wow these guys are terrible people," the Family Guy writers want us to be on Peter's side. Fuck that, he tries to

…There's two of them.

Well, it's more than just the episode with rich girl. Charlie plans an elaborate revenge plan on Dennis in "Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom," Charlie has viciously attacked people before (like Santa for example!) and he's recently become a bit of a bully. He's had his moments in the sun before, outsmarting others and deceiving

And maybe we'll finally see Dennis murder somebody? I can dream, right?

Hell, wasn't that sort of the point of their movie too?

Bull Shit this was better than the premier. This was just all over the place…
Not that the premier wasn't, but this managed to be even more so. 
And this one wasn't funny to boot.

I loved Charlie's condescending little "Well" after Mac retorts "No! We found NO ghouls, because ghouls don't exist!"

Great review! Really amazing episode. I don't think I really have any faults with it… probably the highlight of the season so far for me.

@avclub-d6537db628c8624dd41cdf68e445b71b:disqus Don't worry, way ahead of you. The only downside to me having bought the new DVD is that now whenever I wanna watch more American Dad goodness, I have to gaze into Zombie Kisses, insensitively placed on the cover, and hold back manly tears… sniff

Oh. Crap, so you're telling me I have to fear that the show will turn to shit all over again come the end of this season?

Yeesh. This show is just offensively bad now. Horribleness and racism aren't funny unless you're actually doing anything funny with them, Family Guy writing staff. Then they're just horribleness and racism

That and "Detention…is for boys who don’t tell the truth" got the biggest laughs of the night for me.

Wow… I thought that this episode was pretty fucking amazing. This show is capable of being so insanely dark and disturbing while having pretty great emotional notes as well.
And yes. Darren was the star of the episode.
I also thought that this episode did a great job of giving all the family members a bit of stuff to do

That would have made this a fucking A

..Apparently not!

Aw.. I liked it. Can we all at least agree that that new theme song was jizz-worthy?