
So what exactly do you think could have been said by Peter this episode by Stan? Stan seemed pretty in-character. Forbidding Klaus, praising his body… Idunno.
That said, I am still weary of Callaghan. I pray that he's actually good, but he was forced to stunt his comedic ability by working on Family Guy.

Also, everybody: top 5 episodes this season, GO!

God, what a great season this was. B+ sounds about right, as it's hard to give any full season of any show an A- or above.
This episode was solid too. I love Klaus, so it was great giving him something to do.

I don't even remember a penis joke. Refresh my memory?

American Dad has done loads of things first.
.. Wait, it sort of hasn't. Well, does it still count as 'first' if other TV shows haven't even come close to doing loads of the bizarre shit thats on AD yet?
Why am I praising another show in the Simpsons review. That shouldn't be happening.

I agree. It was frustrating. I hated Season 1 Linda, and this bitchiness reminded me of season 1 Linda. (Not that she didn't have her moments in Season 1.)

Also, I wanted to mention that I liked the teeny scene with Linda and Jimmy. Short, but it was funny to see their relationship; far less antoganistic than the Bob and Jimmy relationship of course.

Oh gosh, yes. The quiet dignity line was perfect.

I was thrilled to see Rudy again. Obviously he can never take Andy & Ollie's place as my favorite character (YES, SINGULAR) but he's pretty darn close so far.
That said, this episode didn't strike me personally as an A. Seemed pretty average Bob's Burgers fair. Idunno, I didn't laugh as much as other eps this season,

I thought that they were airing 2 next week. Not that I particularly care. I just remembered 2 simpsons, 2 family guys, and then 2 Cleveland shows, sadly no AD! or Bob's.

For some stupid reason, I found the Simpsons disclaimer about Justin Bieber to be both stupid and actually funny for some reason.
So aside from that one stupid joke and the couch gag, yeesh, what a stinker. Pretty bad season overall. Last couple were much better. Although I am looking forward to next week, as Kang and

As somebody who had spent the entire season enjoying themselves up till this point, I can safely say without any Harmon-or-whatever-the-fuck-bias: What the FUCK did I just watch.

They had been playing too much Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. I'm goin to hope that people here are as nerdy as me to get what I'm talking about.

Oh man, I'm cracking up just reading this again.

As much as I absolutely adore Bob's Burgers, it's still worse than American Dad. That show's what's up.

I know. I feel like AD has totally been getting low-balled all season, frankly! This season has had some of the show's very best episodes (as well as a couple of the show's worst, though I admit.)

Oh man, I know. It's really quite shocking actually. They really didn't even bother promoting it even though it was the 150th episode as well. FOX must just want to ignore the show's entire existance at this point! Better than actively trying to stop it like they used to do!

Oh my god. This was unbelievably good. Seriously, this episode might just be my new all-time favorite, taking Hot Water's place.
I mean, everything was just completely pitch-perfect. It was funny (not the funniest, but it clearly wasn't trying to be.) It had some amazing heart to it. It had top-notch animation and

Actually, yeah. You're right. I totally don't doubt the Simpson's ability to pull of dark jokes, they do stuff like that all the time. But basing a whole episode on somebody wanting to commit suicide, then ending with 'not today' isn't exactly a recipe for comedy.
And yes. That is a funny line. I'm trying to remember

Oh, man. This ending. So sweet.