
I agree. This season decided "fuck that!" though. 
Both Bleeding Gums and Herb showed up! So yay?

It at least started out really funny. I especially liked the part about Homer's line about Hoarders, Revenge and Episodes.
But as soon as Moe came in… yech.
Suicide just isnt' funny. Please don't build an episode on it, especially if you're light hearted like the Simpsons.
Also, random notes:
- Santa's Little Helper and

Just curious, what's the etc. in your opinion? I agree with thise, but I feel everything else has been pretty damn awesome!

Yes! That line read just sold it to. Such enthusiasm, and like Steve wasn't already aware of the man who just punched him across an entire hallway.

Goddam, this season has mostly been on FIRE in my opinion. The only episodes that I've disliked are Baby Frannie (probably the worst in the series though) and For Black Eyes Only.

If that were the case, wouldn't saying that NOT be saying 'a lot'?

Oh, that's right. Yeah, I remember enjoying him a couple of times.

I'm probably being stupid again, but who's the Jazz Teacher again/which episode was he/she in?

So I'm pretty eh about this one.
I got one of the hardest laughs … quite possibly in the history of this show though from this episode. Lenny complaining about two contact lenses in one eye was ridiculously funny. At least I thought so.
But the rest of the episode was just meh. 
Especially Homer becoming deacon. Hasn't

I really really liked this episode and the past two.

I feel like the only way this show gets As is through Tina episodes. Which is BULL, man. As a major louise fan, I was so super satisfied with her and this episode. SOLID A IN MY BOOK.
Also, Linda's song at the end was glorious. Great animation on the sailors.

Yeesh. I thought that this was pretty amazing. I should probably stay away from the tv club for community!

Did anybody else notice GreenMan in the kink song?

Completely agree. I was laughing the whole way through. Pretty great ep.

Yeah, see, I wasn't offended by the stereotypical humor either. AD! just doesn't do it nonstop and relentlessly, every episode, like Family Guy. It was really just some silly fun this episode. And I mean, Akiko was portrayed as a fully characterized and likable character, which is more than any character of any

I usually don't like the excessive Klaus ripping on, (seems like too much of a Meg expy) but that was so wonderfully sudden and hilarious, especially since nobody's expression changed the whole time.

Yes it was! This episode stayed remarkably consistent with callbacks and… Well facts in general by AD! standards.

I did enjoy that lampshading!

My favorite gag was Tina spitting into Gene's mouth.

I've personally never found Principal Louis to be THAT entertaining. I mean, I've found him funny, but surprisingly, nothing he had said made me laugh hysterically. Until tonight that is! His line while wearing the Steve mask fucking killed me.