
Er, not apartment, house. Whatever.

I completely agree with you. I've been laughing pretty consistently this season, but I'm unsettled by the bizarrely low-budget scenes. We're talking like youtube-quality for some stuff. On the other hand, there are still some scenes that are high-quality, and well-done, like basically all of the first episode of the

The way Shirley said that was priceless.

I thought it was a pretty solid episode! Pretty in-character and funny. I liked Troy being so sad about calling Batman Gay. Also Pierce having done White-face atop of Black-face sounds absolutely hilarious. "It's Meta! Abed will get it."

Yes! That's well put.
And the animatronic shark episode was absolute gold.

Oh absolutely. I would be pretty damn pissed if Bob's Burgers started to just throw reality out the window; it's grounded, which is fine.
But at the same time, it's great to see the bizarre and creative plot ideas that they come up with. Talking toilets, getting boat-jacked, and a man who's in love with a manikin are

Absolutely. This show has obviously the best end credits ever, without a contest!

Oh god, this is probably my favorite episode of Bob's Burgers ever.
I love this season so much.
This show has gotten progressively wierder each year, and I love it.

I liked it. It petered out near the end, but all around pretty solid. I would have enjoyed Mr. Burns's song more if the voice acting had had more excitement and ferver to it. Certain voices on The Simpsons have just gotten pretty pale, (Mr. Burns, Moe, Barney.) But I guess it may just be part of having aged nearly a

Now, as somebody who has enjoyed this season so far, (I thought everything was around middle of the road B range up til now) I have to say that this episode just seemed awful. It simply didn't work. I wasn't laughing, the emotional stuff at the end was just… illogical and annoying. Also those German characters. Holy

Huh. I thought this was quite possibly as good as AD gets. I literally couldn't contain my laughter when roger was trying to be as annoying as possible as an imaginary friend, slapping and shrieking at Francine.

That made me scratch my head as well. Pop Culture jokes are few and far between on AD!.

I always liked Darcy.

Kudos on the comprehensive list!

Easily one of the absolute worst episodes of the Simpsons that I've ever seen. And this is coming from a Zombie-Simpsons supporter, who still finds the show to be relatively amusing in this day and age.
But this episode… yeesh. It had nothing going for it at all. I liked the idea of bringing Mary back again, as I

Karl Pilkington is a legend.

Absolutely agree. That slayed me.

I was about to mention this, haha. Incredibly funny. "You just wanted her hair."

Bull. This was my favorite episode of the season. A material dude. Frannie and Roger is the best combo.

Both story lines have been done a gazillion times. And I prefer Bart over Homer, so I'm satisfied with what we got.