Evil Star-Burns

Also Conan the Barbarian.

Yeah, anything so Sansa can finally stop being a victim already.

Podrick fought like a bitch, he just got lucky Ramsay's best men are awful. Just awful.


Word on the street is Thoros will be in this season.

I think that'd be like the ending of Thor 2. We have an emotional, defining moment with a character and then we find out it wasn't actually that character.

I wonder if they even remember those are things that happened.

That's kinda flimsy.

But Daenerys was the only reason Viserys was (theoretically) getting an army. It doesn't make sense to kill her either way.

This has nothing to do with the episode itself, but help me out here: if there's no Aegon on the show and Varys was secretly supporting Daenerys, why did he go out of his way to get her killed in the first season? If he wasn't planning on supporting her at first but eventually changed his mind, what exactly was he

The A.V. Club

Either way, she needs a bra.

Their accent is "foreign".

We're getting the Greyjoys, and I'm thinking it's Yara who goes to see Dany.

There's no way for a hat to be lobstered like a gauntlet, so no.

No, that was AFFC. ADWD is the one with Tyrion repeating ad nauseum "where do whores go".

I'm guessing two episodes.

Yeah, it's like the characters read the script.

By which you mean he fought like a pussy. Lucky him to go against the lamest Bolton soldier ever.

It makes no sense. Actually, why would they just leave his body there in the first place? Kill him and burn him so he doesn't come back, isn't that what they do with literally every dead body on the Wall?