Evil Star-Burns

Is there a room like that on the other side of every outlet in the world? Is that how spirits travel through electricity? I don't want answers to these questions.

There's a dog called Pazuzu.

That would've been great, but maybe even more people would hate it. A lot of normies watched that show.

Do we even know if the X-Men are a thing in the show's universe? Maybe Charles didn't even build Cerebro yet.

That'd be an awesome sitcom.

Comparing it to the original, it's not the best movie, but it's definitely the most movie. Editing could've made it great.

Also, didn't they have two best picture winners in those days? Maybe that's the answer.

Sick burn.

Both Jaime and Sansa had their character development regressed, which reeked of poor planning and/or stalling for time. That was bad.

The Quiet Isle is in the Riverlands also, pretty near the crossroads inn where Gendry was last seen actually.

Well, the show has been basically fan fiction since season 5. We know it's not going to get clever, they might as well try to make it awesome.

He must be führious. Anne frankly, jew would be too.

He was doing that directly at Dale's face. It was after the Dim Sum challenge, where Dale didn't give a fuck about service and just tried to impress the judges. Marcel was calling him out on it, saying stuff like I make food "for the people". They made a music video out of that in the reunion special. It was pretty

Well, season two was pretty much a disaster all the way.

The dissolve made it look like one of those ugly photos you see on laminated menus.

Probably edited down for duration. There was a lot of talking in this episode as it was.

Yeah, I know some vegetarians that eat chocolate and fried snacks all the time. Super healthy!

Katsuji wants to "play the game" but he does it in the most obvious way, which totally defeats the purpose. His attempts at "getting into people's minds" are completely transparent. He doesn't say something subtle that might make someone doubt themselves. He just says something equivalent to "you must be doubting

Which is weird, because you can't be closer to the south than Mexico. I'm way farther from your country and have known about the fried chicken and watermellon thing for ages.

That part where the movie stops and becomes a different movie is indeed a highlight; the movie that had been happening so far was kind of boring.