
Aw, does this mean we can't ban all those evil Moooslims from treading on our sacred shores?

Are you saying Islam poses a threat to American freedoms because of drastic measures we may take in the name of security?

It's also, you know, just a fucking saying.

If only everyone was armed with a semi-automatic weapon, drove a tank, and life was actually a video game…this never would have happened.

Jesus tapdancing Christ, this is pretty fucked up.

So you're comparing Ringo's trademark to what was in the briefcase in "Pulp Fiction." Interesting. Now are you playing the role Samuel L. Jackson played, or are you envisioning him saying these lines?

She Said She Said.

Hipsters are like porn. You know one when you see one.

Portland, Maine is where the real culture is. Lady Gaga hung out in our park!

Julian Assange played by…
Paul Rudd. I smell Oscar!

Not fucking really. Say what you want about the BSG finale, but at least it was written with some panache. TNG's "The Chase,", on the other hand…no, no, no. You have a revelation that, in reality, would have changed the entire political and social landscape of interstellar civilization—yet it was dismissed and

In a universe where you can clone yourself by fucking up the transporter, a Barclay on Jupiter Station, a Barclay on the Enterprise, and a Barclay jerking off in Holodeck 4 ALL AT THE SAME TIME is completely feasible.

Call me crazy, but while I hate her politics, I just have this overwhelming desire to cram my tongue right down her throat.

The Nth Degree
I have a theory as to why LaForge never gets laid: he's a fucking asshole. Jesus, if anyone does ANYTHING that's not in the fucking rules or regulations—Super Barclay here, Scotty in "Relics," and a few more from the novel universe—VISOR Man has a shit fit and ruins the fun for everybody. I always

I see what you did there…and I like it.

The Drumhead
"The Drumhead" provides so much ownage, it made me post TWICE in order to save the Federation from insidious Romulan spies.

The Drumhead
Ah, the Drumhead. The previews for that episode gave me anxiety attacks as a child. SO MUCH ownage. It's like a grab bag of ownosity. It approaches, if not surpasses, "The Wounded" in this respect. No doubt that Picard levels up in ownage in this one.

The Drumhead
Ah, the Drumhead. The previews for that episode gave me anxiety attacks as a child. SO MUCH ownage. It's like a grab bag of ownosity. It approaches, if not surpasses, "The Wounded" in this respect. No doubt that Picard levels up in ownage in this one.

Starfleet personnel always lose multiple IQ points when they are arranged into actual battle fleets. On their own, Starfleet vessels can do basically anything and beat almost anyone. Try to get a few hundred of them to attack Cardassia at once, and half of them will manage to blow up before you even get past DS9.

Yeah, it's never the end of the world. It's just sad when you see who the Matildas of the world usually end up with…and it's even worse when you realize how much better they are than you.