
Was watching the movie Atlantic City on cable and there was a reference to Nucky Johnson. Pretty cool.

hence the word Hysterical

For better or worse, the finale brought it to a good close. The series had its ups and downs, and perhaps meandered a bit too much in terms of plot, but it kept me coming back for most of 5 seasons.

The series needed a little bad-ass action and Wu was the delivery mechanism for that.

The thing with Bertie is that he has seen Thack at his best and knows the potential for greatness. He's seen, and helped, Thack save lives. However, as Bertie's dad figured out, Bertie doesn't need him any more. Thack served a purpose and now he can offer no more. This season can be looked at as Bertie's

I think it comes down to a lot is riding on the success of Dong of Justice (credit to whoever posted that first…hilarious). If that film meets or exceeds studio and audience expectations, the subsequent DC universe films might have a chance of building upon themselves and creating a rich cinematic universe. However,

Did it cost more to make? For some reason, I recall a lot of buzz around how well Iron Man did but Superman barely met expecations

Shit, I never even really liked the Avengers - more of an Xmen guy. But the way they pulled of the universe made me so invested in them - credit to Whedon and his ability to create the sense of team.

Nolan's Batman and the tv shows aren't an attempt to recreate what Marvel did…this current slate of movies is. Marvel did it with a little bit of luck and everything grew organically. For the first run of Marvel movies, it was so exciting to see Thor's Hammer teased or Cap's shield. It was just a "fuck yeah" moment at

shit, I forgot about the Supergirl movie - that was shit

Why do does DC suck so much? I don't mean to troll, but i just emit a "meh" when I hear this news. Batman is the only hero that seems to translate well to screen. I was always a Marvel guy, but loved Superman and Batman movies. However, this upcoming slate just seems to reek of disaster. Maybe Affleck will save it.

My biggest complaint about the first film was the limited scope. Once you are out of Asgard, the action is limited to New Mexico. Nonetheless, it was pure fun and looking forward to this.

I'm just really happy to see the Marvel movies being quality. Can't wait to see this. Sure, maybe not A material, but to pull even a B- on a sequel in an insane crossover franchise scheme, is pretty friggin good and should hold down the fort until Avengers 2. I will miss Thor slamming a jug of mead into the ground -

I like when Anthony Quinn circles his hand in the water: "like 360?" Bad guy: "It's 180 you idiot…" Great comedic performance by Quinn ( I totally butchered the quote but too lazy to look it up)

"It's not a tumor!"

I read that whole " why Rob Liefeld is the worst artist of all time" article and was blown away. I ate that shit up when I was 12 and now its just ridiculous that Cable had a gun bigger than most members of his team. I will say this: the crossover between X-Force and Spiderman, taking place in the WTC (this was early

The Crush (w/ Cary Elwes)

It is what it is. At least they tried to keep the characters interesting after 25 years or however long its been on.


I feel like his family loves him and is grateful for what he has provided. However, they also live in fear of him and know not to question anything he does.