
Why would an English actor portray so well someone who spoke Latin and was likely a bit more tan? One of my biggest gripes with our depictions of Greek/Roman history is the English accents.

That scene illustrates why a team needs a leader who just points, says do it, and everyone follows. He's not the most powerful superhero but his tactical knowledge sets him apart - Whedon did a good job showing that economically - ordering the police officers and ordering his team.

This is one of those rare times when I went in completely blind on the first watch. In general, it is so much more satisfying to be completely ignorant about a movie and then be blown away by the end. I am guilty in that I read so many previews, and then reviews, that I almost never have that "pure" viewing experience.

The Spacey Glory Days


I saw the first episode online - pretty good. Lots of promise. I like the ad that was running for a while with the big guy bringing water to the table - absurdest.

No way I would plop my 3 or 4 year old kids down in front an action movie, even if pg-13. That's why I laughed so hard because its a great example of extremely lazy parenting.

So Lonely, Wanna Dance

ughh…that's the worst. The best is having in your imagination how the world looks like then seeing it / reconciling it with what's on screen.

Nice that he left his kids watching violent GI Joe when he left.

Patricia Arquette will always be the girl from True Romance for me.

The first phish or jam band festival does change your life. You realize this exists. After that, its just the same year after year and gets depressing as you get older.

Funny thing is that Les Mis is not at all about the French Revolution. The events covered a lesser known uprising a decade or two after the revolution.

Not one mention in this review of how Earth acts as a "Solaris" reflecting the mood of what is going on. Initially bright and blue and slowly dark and then by the end fiery.

Typical fucking amateur, target male demo bullshit regarding the comments on Bullock's acting. She acted the shit out of this role and was spectacular in her own right. You all fucking suck for not realizing how she nailed it.

Bullshit - A fucking plus. If you don't just submit to the grandeur of this movie, you are missing the point.

only 90's kids get it

You need a Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah shut the fuck up asshole to combat the nah nah nah

Ken Marino is sooo goood…."
"How good Louie?"
"He's soooo good…?"
"How good is he Louie?""Ahh never mind, its old…""Say it Louie! Say it Louie!!!""Ahh ok…He's so good, I'd dip my balls in it!"

Kelly MacDonald is one of the best. This role kind of became a dead-end but no fault of her own. The series is pivoting in a different direction and I'm fine with it.