Abraham Sandwich

You know that song, "Where's My Sock?" Well, that was MY sock they were singing about!

Note to self: Get BIG suit.

Note to self: Get BIG suit.

I liked the part where Holden saw those people in the hotel room spitting water at each other and when he calls that other kid a 'prince' much to the other kid's chagrin… It's a good read, but it's not "must kill John Lennon" good, like I was led to believe.

I liked the part where Holden saw those people in the hotel room spitting water at each other and when he calls that other kid a 'prince' much to the other kid's chagrin… It's a good read, but it's not "must kill John Lennon" good, like I was led to believe.

Fuck yeah, Hatchet! and to a lesser extent The RiverManiac McGee was another one from that time period (10-14) that shaped the person that I am today. While we're at it, let's toss in some The Phantom Tollbooth and My Side of The Mountain. Simmer and then mix with any pulpy horror story/series (i.e. Spooksville,

Fuck yeah, Hatchet! and to a lesser extent The RiverManiac McGee was another one from that time period (10-14) that shaped the person that I am today. While we're at it, let's toss in some The Phantom Tollbooth and My Side of The Mountain. Simmer and then mix with any pulpy horror story/series (i.e. Spooksville,

"I desperately want to make love to a schoolboy!"

"I desperately want to make love to a schoolboy!"

I've always been partial to "Does the Pope shit in the woods?"

I've always been partial to "Does the Pope shit in the woods?"

If there's no grass on the knoll… something something buttsex.

If there's no grass on the knoll… something something buttsex.

And then the movie climaxes again (just like your Mom last night, heyo!) with the blowing up of buildings and the little kid saying everyone looked the same because they were covered in ash… A parody of this scene was done in another South Park episode. It was the Summer vacation one with the fireworks ban, I believe.

And then the movie climaxes again (just like your Mom last night, heyo!) with the blowing up of buildings and the little kid saying everyone looked the same because they were covered in ash… A parody of this scene was done in another South Park episode. It was the Summer vacation one with the fireworks ban, I believe.

Hey!!! Get out of my ass you stupid rainbows!

Hey!!! Get out of my ass you stupid rainbows!

I wonder if the girl from "Self Esteem" is the same girl from "She's Got Issues"? Combined with lines like, "Now if I wasn't such a weenie, do you think you'd still love me? Pretending I'm an airplane on the living room floor" (from "I Choose") both parties seem rather dubious. I mean sure, the girl is emotionally

I wonder if the girl from "Self Esteem" is the same girl from "She's Got Issues"? Combined with lines like, "Now if I wasn't such a weenie, do you think you'd still love me? Pretending I'm an airplane on the living room floor" (from "I Choose") both parties seem rather dubious. I mean sure, the girl is emotionally

Your criticism is duly noted, @avclub-9693742e95befe78f58a0f06dcaddab5:disqus . I've mostly liked his musical output, however, I am currently still within a 48 hour window after having seen Fincher's Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Said film being the inspiration of my comment above… I hope we can still be friends. If