Abraham Sandwich

IV > III > I > II = VII = VI > V > VIII

In my history class in high school we watched "Glory" and in an English class we watched "The Point" and "12 Angry Men." Oh, and in Spanish we watched "La Bamba" and "Selena", both in English, not Spanish for whatever reason. Yay movies!

This didn't happen to me, but Lou Reed signed my friend's yearbook and agreed that my other friend was being retarded.

The twist was that Angela was actually her brother, Peter. Her crazy aunt refused to have 2 boys in the house, and raised him as a girl, hence repressing his male urges. This, combined with the torment she received at camp for being an outcast is what caused her to snap. As a teenager, her hormones are raging, and

When I decided I wanted to start a band in high school, I sat down one night and wrote my first song ever. It was about this movie. I called it "Camp Sleepaway" because I was a dumb kid and I didn't have Google to name-check for me. (I would have said I called it that because more things rhyme with "away" than they do

I know! She's had more boyfriends than Madonna!

Both the Comedy Central season and the shorts get frequent play in my house. I can't decide on a favorite episode, so I'll just leave some quotes…


The fact that it's a rotary video phone gets a chuckle out of me. We had dial pads when this episode aired, so it's almost like the show is conveying the birth of this video phone as if dial pad technology for it is still years away.

I don't know what you guys are talking about! This episode was awesome! Peter had a growth on his shoulder named Chip. Get it? Chip? On his shoulder? It's a joke! Peter's jealousy at the loss of the attention of his peers causes him to develop another chip on his shoulder, only figuratively this time. Clever girl! We

Ugh, the Sideways/Afterlife thing still bugs me. Why did they show us that the island was underwater? And to show us the DHARMA shark too? That means in this "sideways" world, the island was above water, and then it sank for some reason. Since the island is sunk, we can safely assume that the bomb did in fact reset

To be fair, Walt had enough connections to get his hands on a machine gun. A man who sells black market automatic weapons may have collected some nefarious business cards throughout his travels…

In Australia, it's pronounced,"Britt". He's just mad that he got a girl's name… or maybe he lost a scrunchie or whatever.

I felt like I was going to have the cops called on me for watching this. I kept thinking my neighbors were going to call the fuzz to save the poor infant child from the deranged maniac in my apartment.

I have also lived in New Hampshire my whole life, but only heard one dude talk like that when I got lost down some back roads and asked for directions back to Concord… "Fisha-ville Roh-ad? Whelp, ya can't get derr from he-uh… Ayuh."

Dismissal: Why don't you go outside and play "Hide and Go Fuck Yourself"?

I love "Devil's Hands". I think it plays well off of lore established in previous episodes and allows a very cohesive story to unfold between the two main players.

As someone who has no sense of smell, I can assure you that taste is present, just not as fine-tuned as someone with a functioning olfactory. Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, umami, they're all there, but it's subdued. I can't, for example, tell you the flavor of different Kool Aids. I ultimately rely on visuals and

Taco preparation is one of the 9 acceptable reasons to pause. You are fine. In fact, I will join you and we will have tacos together.