Abraham Sandwich

Off topic, but the one and only episode of the Sopranos my friend convinced me to watch was the one where the Russian guy was taken to the woods to be killed, but then he escaped. I was like, "Oh shit! I bet this comes back and haunts them!"

My life consists of time spent working (where I can read during down time) and watching TV at home, so I'm quite content with the current state of my Pop Culture consumption, in so much as to say I do not require a year long pause.

Look at me, I'm a famous historian! Outta my way!

I know the market is super-saturated in vampires right now, but I think Christopher Pike's The Last Vampire / Thirst series would make for some awesome TV.

"Click 2 Subscribe!"

My first girlfriend was the friend of a girl I went to school with. i guess she saw me in her friend's yearbook and was like, "I gotta have him!" So, out of the blue, I get a phone call from this girl I didn't know, asking me to be her boyfriend. Being 14, I was all, "I guess I have a girlfriend now." and we went to a

He doesn't care whose toes he steps on!

In WWII, the Allied forces would refer to UFOs and other unidentified aerial shenanigans as the work of "Foo Fighters." Having an alien race known as Foos as stand-ins for players on a Foosball table is kind of inspired.

I realized recently that all the songs I wrote when I was in my high school band primarily dealt with confronting my own mortality, and when I die, someone will undoubtedly find the folder of unreleased demos on my computer and play them at my funeral. it should be interesting to say the least.

you soon will.

When Clerks actually aired on ABC in 2000, the first episode was actually the 4th in the series ("Bear is driving!") and then they aired the 2nd episode 2nd (and concurrently, last), which was the flashback episode. I thought it was amazing that the 2nd episode was a flashback episode that didn't include any footage

There's a scene in the cable edit of Demolition Man where John Spartan is driving one of the future-cars and it's about to crash. In the actual movie, he says, "Damn you Mickey Mouse piece of shit!" In the cable edit however, they simple remove the "piece of shit" portion, leaving Sylvester Stallone to shout, "Damn

I remember being fascinated with many of the ladies you've all listed (live-action and animated), but it was Renee O'Connor methinks who was the first to awaken the… Stirrings…

Did they look like psychos? Is that what they looked like? They were vampires! Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are!

You sound like a lot of fun.

Yes yes, we all love The Wire and we all like zombies, but what inquiring minds really want to know is, what is the deal with the Parameter Film Contest? We're 10 days overdue for an update!

♫  You're the only man who's ever been inside of meeeeeeeee!!!!   ♫

And my best friend hadn't fully evolved yet! His name was Ug and he walked on all fours!

Score one for enunciation, because the probability of those lyrics being misheard as"Jar of Farts" would otherwise be very high. I still choose to hear it that way though, it makes the song better.

Both Revenge of the Nerds and Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise prominently feature marijuana use as beneficial and necessary to bolster the Tri-Lams sense of camaraderie.  Revenge of the Nerds 3: The Next Generation took a very anti-drug stance, in so far as to center the movie's primary conflict around the