Abraham Sandwich

Your criticism is duly noted, @avclub-9693742e95befe78f58a0f06dcaddab5:disqus . I've mostly liked his musical output, however, I am currently still within a 48 hour window after having seen Fincher's Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Said film being the inspiration of my comment above… I hope we can still be friends. If

I prefer white rice. It's not really a "what color is better?" kind of thing, it's more of a "which rice do I want voting and owning land?" kind of thing. To each his own…

I prefer white rice. It's not really a "what color is better?" kind of thing, it's more of a "which rice do I want voting and owning land?" kind of thing. To each his own…

…and The Vandals were signed to Nitro Records, which is owned by the lead singer of the Offspring! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! Synchronicity!

…and The Vandals were signed to Nitro Records, which is owned by the lead singer of the Offspring! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! Synchronicity!

You're a rICEist, sir or madam! It's not hard to distinguish between Ice'd rappers. I blame your upbringing. I also would thank you to keep Conan out of this. Good day! (no AK, etc.)

You're a rICEist, sir or madam! It's not hard to distinguish between Ice'd rappers. I blame your upbringing. I also would thank you to keep Conan out of this. Good day! (no AK, etc.)

How To Score a Film
By: Trent Reznor

How To Score a Film
By: Trent Reznor

It's "they drew a 31" actually, and I find that a little bit sad. Why is the whole world picking on White Guy? I mean, first, at the record store, they tell him they don't have any Ice Cube (which is bullshit btw. Who's buying up all these Ice Cube records?) and then they give him Vanilla Ice instead? Like, why didn't

It's "they drew a 31" actually, and I find that a little bit sad. Why is the whole world picking on White Guy? I mean, first, at the record store, they tell him they don't have any Ice Cube (which is bullshit btw. Who's buying up all these Ice Cube records?) and then they give him Vanilla Ice instead? Like, why didn't

Daddy doesn't have his head anymore
Keep it underneath my bed on the floor
But that's all right, man, that's okay
He never really used his head anyway!

Daddy doesn't have his head anymore
Keep it underneath my bed on the floor
But that's all right, man, that's okay
He never really used his head anyway!

There was a Newswire article a long time ago about Eminem releasing an album. I was posting under the name "Hey Douchebags, Battletoads!" at the time.

One man, standing alone awkwardly at a happening party…

Nimoy kinda killed the finale for me. He just isn't that great of an actor, so his expository villain speech fell flat. Imagine if you will, Walternate (maybe from season 2 since later iterations of Walternate have been more sympathetic) giving the same performance as Nimoy, opposite Season 4 Walter! At least the

Didn't see it mentioned, but Dinosaurs did justice to the art of the series finale. I still get choked up thinking about Earl's speech, but it's the newscaster that sells it…

Instead of 'midichlorians', you can do what I do, and just explain everything away as a side effect of the 'unique electromagnetic properties of the island.' Why can John Locke walk? Unique electromagnetic properties! Why is there a taller Ghost-Walt? Unique electromagnetic properties… Numbers? Stamped on a hatch

Boy do I love fish sticks! I could eat them all day long!

The very best thing of all, there's a (weird partial-second pause) COUNTER on this ball. Try and beat your very best score, see if you can jump a whole lot more! So skip it, skip it…