Abraham Sandwich

Just saw Hertzfeldt in Boston while he is touring with his new film (which was fantastic btw…) Sadly, I was too portly to jam myself into the bitterfilms tee I bought a few years back, so I could not show my unwavering support.  The shirt, you ask? A  light brown tee with the phrase, "On the inside, your soul looks

I saw the Pixies when they reunited in 2004 in Amherst ("of-uh Massachusetts, please").

Or, if you proudly display the Litany, your future lady-friends might want to initiate foreplay with, "Tell me of the waters of your homeworld, Usul."

I know, right? Obviously, the "Polly" one was a joke, but almost any of Quint's lines could be a caption and it was a struggle to decide on the "captains" one…

My love of the movie Jaws knows no bounds. I have always wanted a tattoo of the shark drawn on the blackboard in the town hall scene. Beneath it would read: "There are too many captains on this island…" or maybe: "Let Polly do the printing!" if there even is a need for a caption on this pretend-tattoo…

Watched the first 2 episodes of Legend of Korra, watched some animated Clerks episodes (thanks AV Club for reminding me of that damn show!), and I've been re-watching the Ricky Gervais Show. If i was out driving, I was listening to The Replacements "All for Nothing / Nothing for All". And I had to work this weekend,

"Antifreeze in the wine? 'Zis is a serious crime!"

Also from the X-Files: "Folie a Deux."

I was afraid my teeth were going to crack! I tensed up do much during that movie…

I saw Blink-182 in '99, right after their sudden rise to TRL fame. 14 year old me loved it,* but it was mostly a mess of poorly-performed songs, way too much goofing off (LOL Mark stopped to tie his shoe before the bass solo! LOL), and bad homo-erotic jokes. Travis Barker basically carries the whole show with his

I briefly considered Livingston Seagull as my top choice of Jonathans, but Taylor Thomas won out by a smidge.

Duncan Idaho was the only Duncan I could think of. @avclub-93e06678bf43969ed7f3b3377605aa8c:disqus and I are the 1%…

@avclub-23c97e9cb93576e45d2feaf00d0e8502:disqus , I saw one of Ricky's stand up routines recently and he blatantly stole the, "Oh no, not another mouth to feed" bit about an African family receiving a goat. Originally, this topic was breached in the podcast, but Ricky just took all of Carl's observations and recited

That's the thing with Carl. It's no so much WHAT he says, it's what he means… In his weird amorphous bumblefuck of an analogy, it could have been any disaster movie. Independence Day conjures images of destruction, but he could have used 2012 or The Day After Tomorrow. Independence Day fit his descriptive needs. Then

For the record, Christina Aguilara DOES go around pressing her boobs up against hotel windows. It's not so much of a prank though… it's more like putting a red mark above your door so a vengeful slave god will know to not steal your first born child.

I've got a couple. My first onscreen crush was the stepsister in NeverEnding Story 3. That was my first ever experience being attracted to a fictional character and I was confused as all fuck.  I spent the whole movie imagining scenes of me doing nice things with her, like holding hands and having a picnic. There was

There was that scene in the book where Maniac sensually licks the frosting off of Mrs. Beale's fingers…  @avclub-4e7bc172ddd41cd4d4cb81eec370f5b1:disqus , I think you may be on to something!

Theses horses had better help the show win some awards, or else we're taking a trip to the glue factory. And they won't get to come!

I love Tango and Cash, but there were a couple things that never sat well with me.

It's like they took Tango & Cash, but made Tango a mix between his characters in Daylight and Rhinestone. Then they took Cash and and subtracted all the Stargate and Escape from New York out of him, but added a killing machine from the future who at one point was impregnated by Danny Devito.