Abraham Sandwich

"…using the Oscar podium as a sandbox…"

I DO want them to cancel Community, because I NEVER get what I want. I hate this family! :'(

I think they prefer the term "jigros."

Two days before my friend's wedding, he asked me and a few other people if we could play a song for him and his wife. We all literally had only 4 hours to arrange and practice a piano and string version of "Indian Moon" by State Radio… Their plan was to walk down the aisle during the song. As revenge for the short

Where to begin with LFO's "Summer Girls"?

*Already shortened music video is silenced and a talking head box appears at the bottom of the screen*

Ice Cube released that song in 1882?

Agreed, and I submit New Radicals "You Get What You Give" as evidence of all things wrong with the TRL era… Bucket hats and cargo pants, Vespa scooters and bowl cuts…

You would think it may have been engineered by the network, but there really was some momentum and support for the Bum Bum Song to reach #1. Some kid at my high school commandeered the PA during morning announcements and urged everyone to vote for Tom Green on TRL. He was just some random kid who was normally really

Back in my mIRC days, I remember at one point slapping a 'XenaWrrPrncss' around a bit with a large trout… as was the style at the time.

This list was good, but Frank Darabont's original draft was much better…

A woman I used to work with told me that people are never smiling in old photos because life was really hard back then. They didn't even have shoes! Why do you think they called it a depression?

Or, in a stunning homage to Joe's Apartment, the fat, brown, basement crickets will spend a few episodes helping Chris Cooper recover his errant enema nozzle…

Overall I wouldn't classify Carnivale as a "horror" show, but there were some pretty horrific scenes… A stand out for me would be when (SPOILERS AHEAD) Sophie's mother is psychically reliving her conception-rape by the man with the tree tattoo. I might be misremembering the context, but watching that poor woman writhe

There was a scientific explanation for everything. It just wasn't satisfying. Why can John Locke walk again? Oh, that's due to the unique electromagnetic properties of the island. And why are people seeing ghosts? Because unique electromagnetic properties, that's why!

The Great Pacific Garbage Patchkids

The local laundromat near me hung up a sign that reads, "Merry Christmas to mostly everyone."

I understand why he's stepped down from the Food Challenge hotseat. When not directly filming for Man vs. Food, he had to maintain a mostly vegetarian lifestyle and work out for 2 hours a day to stay semi-healthy. He had to work out for 2 hours a day just to reach stasis in his rotundity. That kind of stress would

Here in America, we love zombies. Right now, the only show that has zombies is The Walking Dead. If there were no zombies, The Walking Dead would just be a show about boring people who cry, spit, and go camping a lot. America would not like that show, but it instead makes with the zombies and is therefore tolerated.

You were misinformed.