Abraham Sandwich

Wasn't there like a disregarded subplot about the anacondas being magical jungle guardians? And that's why when they blew up the dam it was full of s-s-s-snakes?

My ultimate goal on this site is to generate the most liked comment of all time and then edit it to read: "Poop Poop Fart Poop Fart"

Liked for "milquetoast."

There's a dude who interrupts parties to impress people that aren't there? And Adventure Time sounds like that guy?

I opened this article and Ctrl-F'ed "Adventure Time". I was shocked to see I had to come to the second page before I got a hit. It was mentioned above, but that dude was all over the place… I agree Lovecraft, fantastic theme song and great closing theme.

Alfred and Enid (the parents in the story) take a cruise vacation. While Enid is out gabbing with the other passengers, Alfred suffers a bout of dementia in the cabin. He hallucinates a talking piece of poo that proceeds to berate and belittle him. All in all, it takes up maybe a page, but we are simple men, and we

Yeah, the overseas bit is very odd… You have view it though the rose-colored glasses of everyone who was making that sweet, sweet internet money before the dotcom bubble burst. Chip was in over his head, making money he shouldn't have been making in the first place. While the market crashed, Franzen had Chip suffer a

I hated Enid! The only reason we're supposed to feel sorry for her is because she is married to a decrepit, mean, unreasonable, shit-chasing, balcony-falling-off, basement-enema receiving, coo-coo clock. (I oversimplify, his character is way more in depth, but life with Alfred has got to be hard…)  Plus she gets a

Arguably, you could say Chip is the lead character for the same reason you listed for the parents. He has the most complete character arc. I would put Enid as a close second, and Alfred, though present throughout the entire story, is really more of a prop for all the other characters to ape around.

I will finally be able to say I've seen Chris Cooper do battle with a sentient piece of poo on a cruise ship. Life is sweet.

I think talking about boning Dr. Seuss' decaying corpse is a bit more offensive than the release of a film version that may introduce the characters and themes of his original work to a broader audience via a medium that may as well have killed the written word for future generations. At the very least, we may get

Wait, I'm confused about the movie. So the cops knew that internal affairs were setting them up?

It seems you have a fear of unnecessary and unknown surgeries, which is understandable and reasonable… Though, I prefer to imagine you with a crippling case of Pinochiophobia, or as we call it where I come from, antisemitism.

Hold onto your butts!

The Ju-On ghost lady haunts my dreams. I wish this were hyperbole.

Whenever I have a hot dog, I usually will quote that episode: "These wieners will give me the quick energy I need to escape!"

Leave it to Parks and Rec to subvert the commonly overplayed Chekhov's Ralphio trope…

I'ma drop an eponym in this bitch!

This viewer would like to remind you that the first time we meet John Lithgow's character, he is slicing the femoral artery of a woman in an bathtub.

@sacrelicious: I just canceled my Netflix subscription. A little birdie told me you like to stay on top of these matters.