Abraham Sandwich

Hmm… If the other 809,999 Netflix un-subscribers are like me, they've moved into a new apartment, hooked up a new promotional cable package with their local provider, and are now fully immersed in streaming episode after episode of The Wire…

Is this like the foreign release title of Drop Dead Fred or something?

"Caterpillar in the Buttermilk"

I choose to view it as one little girl's long con to kill the devil and the priests at the same time. Sort of a two birds one stone situation. My theory is supported somewhat by the deleted scene where Regan crab-walks down those exterior stairs and steals Father Kerras' wallet off his lifeless corpse.

But Doctor, it's the kids that are the real monsters! Surely you can't fault Noel for his review when that little shithead Bob is traipsing all through your house?

If people didn't describe these things as "porn," how would I know if I could masturbate during them?

"How many times do I have to tell you? Ursula belongs with the transvestites, not the perverts!"

Everyone knows ghosts are just travelers inadvertently cross stitching their way through the fabric of space-time through various dimensional wormholes via pulses in electromagnetic and neurochemical fields. Interactions with a specific combination of light, mass, electricity, and gravity result in an experiential

Yeah, there's definitely more shenanigans between the male and female leads in the full cut. The movie isn't nearly as charming without it.

I was just an innocent man and then I saw Jaws and started covering up shark attacks and keeping the beaches open for those sweet summer dollars. This was no boating accident, Hollywood!

Well, you could always replace the voice actors and no one would know the did-iddly-ifference…

In my day, nickels had pictures of tumbleweeds on them! Gimme 5 weeds for a quarter you'd say…

It could be worse, my nose could be gushing blood!

I caught a Europe performance on one of those music channels that somehow magically still exist, and the crowds were dead silent until the music interlude. Then, every single audience member would yell the synth riff like Mr. edked above, right back at the band…  If i were not laughing so hard from remembering GOB

I wonder if anyone gets upset about how Karate used to be a respected and well-disciplined art, and now it's practiced inside strip-mall "dojo"s in pisant, white-bred towns by the overweight TV-addicted, sugar-hound, children hoping to learn the crane kick?

Definitely a missed opportunity to ask about The Guyver…

1: You go to Pico

Staind - "Outside" (live) featuring Fred Durst

Any song from Sifl & Olly that reaches a mass audience can only make the world a better place. Questioning it is just not CRESCENT FRESH! It's not cres, man…

B- looks like a chubby ghost holding a collection plate.