Abraham Sandwich

I also hear they're digitally inserting Tom Hank's character from The Terminal into one of the scenes. He'll be sitting quietly in the rowboat when that guy asks, "You kids okay ovah dare?"

You're thinking of a Shitzu.

"There must be more to this provincial life"

Read: I am pretty clever with phonetic puns… I'll show the world by referring to my subservient homosexual partner and mentioning how I will be tugging on my erect penis later today. All of this because their names kinda sound funny. Thank you Internet, for this moment of glory.

There can be only one.

You see… Jesus found a mask and when he puts it on, he transforms into a zoot suit-wearing cartoon character. SMOKIN'! Also, there's a dog.

I thought Bill and Eric were operating under the assumption that Sookie's fairy powers would save them. I assumed they were manipulating her into shooting a fairyball… Then the rocket launcher happened and i realized the show wasn't being written by people that appreciate narrative integrity.

Did he lock you in a closet and steal your cherished DVD?

Neckbeavers? Neckbeaches? Neckbeats? Ohh! Neckbeatles!

Is this part of that "Willenium" thing I've been hearing about?

And with this one act, thousands of resumes bearing the names Jesse Camp and Dave Holmes turn to dust.