
Don't even try to knock Michael's suits. While several things on this show began to falter in season three Shane West's dead eyes and abs of steel could always be counted on.

"What else can we do but listen to Blue?" OTHER THINGS, DAVID. Like maybe trying to get out of the curse instead of shoving your newborn infant into a tree stump. God he makes Snow stupider just by standing next to her. Last week it was 'lets just enjoy our honeymoon, nothing bad is going to happen' and now it's

Agreed. She made you scrambled eggs, pancakes, AND hot chocolate. Shut it, Henry.

What characters? The only people who are being written for anymore are Jax, Gemma, Nero, Unser, and, maddeningly enough, Wendy. The episodes were longer not because side characters were given more development but because unnecessary exposition was constantly being added. I'd rather go back to shorter seasons and have

I know it was a different time but if the guy I had just lost my virginity to looked down at me said 'I hope you're pregnant' and then kissed my stomach I would have burst into tears right then and there.

-Really, Fitz? How she TASTES? God forbid anyone call her your mistress/whore but I guess making crude innuendoes about your sex life to her FATHER is okay. You deserved every second of that verbal bitch slap.
-David and Abby are everything. Seriously their ten second conversations every episode are a highlight for

God help me and this show when I'm most invested in Matt's storyline during the midseason finale. Show me stuff about the knife because I'm bored of this mad scientist thing already. And really they're going to kill off Katherine? Thus ridding us of our last interesting and compelling character who does things because

…Those dozens of people who probably had children themselves. But I don't have to give a shit about all those fatherless children because they were the offspring of murdering gangsters and are probably better off now…oh wait.

If it were really Gemma's world she would have hit Tara in the stomach with an empty liquor bottle, tried to drown her in leftover hair bleach, and then stabbed her with a stiletto boot heel.

By the end of this episode I wished somebody would find an oh so randomly placed carving fork and put me out of my misery too. What is the point of watching next season? So I can watch characters I once cared about be evil and miserable for 13 more episodes? So I can watch them destroy themselves and each other piece

I mean has Matt ever even murdered an innocent person in cold blood? Has he told a bold faced lie to the woman he loved without the slightest hesitation? It seems that at this point the ladies of Mystic Falls (who are all murderers themselves lets remember) can only get hot for reformed (or current) psychopaths.

"True love is slicing a guy’s throat so your girlfriend never has to know if she killed him or not."
This. Is the kitchen boy whose name I still don't know my new favorite male character? I think yes.

The Spencer Pratt style flesh colored beard? Lets not talk about it.

I don't know how people think for a second he's going to hurt her. I don't think there's even been a scene where Jax has raised his voice at Tara. She's slapped him and pushed him but even at his angriest and most hurt he's never lashed out at her physically or verbally. Even after everything he was still telling her

See I have to disagree. In both season 4 and 5 she was obsessed with leaving. In season 4 she willing gave up that wish to support Jax but in season 5 she was stopped by her arrest. Her desperation makes sense to me at this point because she's been blocked and emotionally manipulated at every turn.

Ok I was with you until the last sentence because at this point both Wayne and Wendy are both in hard with Gemma (I mean Wayne has loved her for DECADES), who is no child's best interest.

Oh my god that scene where she had to ask him where her kids would be sleeping that night? And he said his mother's?! If there was ever a time for one of Tara's bad hand beat downs that was it.

I really wish this arc would finish with Jax and Tara having a conversation that ends with her leaving with his blessing and help, you know the sane and moral thing for him to do…but this is SOA and I think what we're actually going to get is Gemma and Tara, facing each other with their illegal guns. You know, because

At this point the only thing Jax and Gemma deserve is to end up with each other

And the situations just keep getting more and more ridiculous and yet also more and more convenient…