
God this episode made me so mad. First the whole Gemma talking about making Wendy the kids' nanny had me sick to my stomach given both of their track records as mothers and then Tara's total cop out at the end.

Ok, so if I was hearing Francis correctly this is the blurry line he just drew in the sand: "Mary, I love you and all but feelings are messy and as a future king I feel I shouldn't have to deal with them. Lets put this whole commitment thing on hold so I can bang Olivia and pretend I'm dead inside. And while I'm doing

I didn't know whether to upgrade this because I agree or downgrade it because I agree and it's a terrible thing to agree about, so I'll just :( with you.

'I'm sorry being with me took you to that place?' Seriously? Take the bullet, give it to the cops, and get as far away from him as you can Tara. There are no happy endings when you run with the Sons.

I detected a vengeful smile when he flipped that phone open too.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes when she walked in there and acted genuinely surprised. For someone who claims to know Jax better then his own mother she should probably accept that his go to method of acting out is sex with blonde hookers. At this point Jax cheating after a relationship shattering argument should

If I were Tara I would have strangled her last season when she got high and drove my sons off a cliff.

The Sons' stupidity is just about the only thing that's consistent on the show.

Can it really be considered a gang anymore if at this point it's just like five to six super incompetent, miserable looking guys? Seriously when was the last time anyone on this show seemed like they were enjoying themselves even slightly (other then the look on Jax and Gemma's faces tonight when they realized there

I completely understand that I just think it's ultimately stupid and is going to get her killed or thrown under the bus. At this point Jax and Gemma seen capable of literally anything and there's no way they let those kids go without a fight. Then they might actually have to look at their choices and evaluate whether

I don't get that either. Like what's the difference between writing it all down and giving it to the lawyer versus writing it down and giving it to Toric? Oh right Toric could at least get you and your sons witness protection whereas the lawyer and your divorce/custody plans are probably going to get you a bullet to

Lets calm down with the Able is JAX'S SON and no one else's thing. Tara's been raising him since he was a newborn. She took care of him while his father was away in prison. She's the only mother he's ever known and she obviously loves him. She's also the only one in his crazy family who is willing to drop everything