Peter Chacha

NEVER watch it. Not because it's gross or sadistic (which it is) or too artsy for its own good (which it wishes it was but isn't), but because it's BORING. AS. SHIT.

Breaking the Waves is SO fucking good its caused me to watch the rest of his work which is, I find, universally shit.

There's bush in the promo, so yeah.

Give me a break. You don't like a show unless it goes off the air for some portion of the year? It's one night a week— not three times a day.

Bleh, this review is shit. You have fatigue, you have fatigue—we get it. Why not draft someone who's into the show to talk about it instead of having you bellyache like my fucking grandmother?

@gooberpyle: Only tourists and school groups go the Varsity?!?

The woman clearly sucked the devil's dick. This much bland mediocrity hasn't gotten this far since the Wallflowers.

Oh yeah, so totally stoked. Batman's origin story has never gotten enough play, really needs a proper retelling. Also: his parent's death. No one's really shown that before, know what I mean? We need a movie that can really dig deep into those seminal events in Batman's life and THEN get to his vigilantism/eternal

Eat a dick, Gabelstapler.

The Real World? Jersey Shore!

Cap, is he really going to fuck up Superman? I mean, is there ANY chance of a Superman movie being that engaging? What's left to say? it's not like Superman as a character really had much depth, and his story—particularly his origin story—has been told so many times I feel like I'm Superman.

Having rats (or rates, for that matter) nibble off Zach Snyder's face is too good for the guy.

It goes without saying that THE KRAKEN is also the name of my cock.

That bitch got play dough teeth

What if it was filled with incomprehensible allusions to shit you don't know about and a plot that makes no sense? NOW would you read it, fuckhead?

Yeah, bro, but it's got vampires. I hear the sequel has werewolves and the third part is a riff on D.H. Lawrence except with lesbian zombies.

Wrong. If you turn it sideways and read it, what you get sucks equally as hard.

Are you the consciously? What does that mean?

Again SamL: it's just not working. Why not beat yourself to death with your mouse? It would be MUCH funnier.

James Coburn?