
Best episode they've done in a couple years. And it's all because they actually chose a "set" tone. They didn't try to do too much. Kids being kids. Randy being Randy. And a Game of Thrones parody. This was basically the Lord of the Rings episode part 2, and that was always one of my absolute favorites. You can always

The episode got better at the end, but I wasn't too impressed overall. It's actually the first one of this season I haven't particularly enjoyed that much. I thought the whole "Christmas" context around everything was super forced, and everything was wrapping up way too quickly. I really don't like when Kenny does

I actually agree with you that Gun Fever Too wasn't great and is one of my least favorite episodes, but I don't agree with the claim that they are creatively lazy. I, too, loved this season and last season like a lot of people here.

It was……..average. The Van Halen gag in specific was hilarious, but other than that, good lord they need to get more time to work on jokes (which they really should have all the time in the world to do, but they are self-admittedly lazy as hell). This episode was pretty much one joke beaten into the ground, and it got

With you there. It was pretty terrible through the first 18 minutes, and I think them putting the proposal in this episode killed any real impact it could've had. That was good though, and Robin's hug with Barney's mom was good as well.

Especially when they do it 4 times in a 5 minute segment

Hey guys, I thought the blackface was fine. BUT IM UTTERLY OFFENDED BY THE PORTRAYAL OF FRANK AS A NATIVE AMERICAN! This portrayal is connected back all the way to the days where we raped their women, and forced them out of states due to white privilege. I don't know about you, but when I saw Frank, my mind

I'm sorry if I said that The Simpsons established these rules. I more meant that there's a reason that show is/was considered one of the greatest comedies on TV of all time, and that it's not hard to look at the show and see how they follow all of those comedy "rules" (if you can call them that). I should've been

That may have been worse than the Beekeeper episode. Definitely a top 5 worst episode of all time. Good lord. Gotta love how they forced a Halloween episode into an episode that doesn't take place around Halloween. This was just utter trash.

Yeah, this definitely wasn't the greatest. Definitely in the C range for me. I think I enjoyed the story enough, but it simply wasn't funny.

First half was fantastic, and I was enjoying the silliness. The back half was awful though. Marshall's plot was already getting old last week, it's really testing me now.

You've done damn fine, in my opinion. The comments sections have actually seemed downright…..civil?

"The Gang’s harmonizing is actually not bad at all, right? It strikes me as something the actors like to do as a goof that they decided to put into an episode."

This reminded me very much of the Gang Gets Trapped episode when they are stuck in the house. I loved that episode purely because of my love for the characters and how well I know them after many seasons. This episode hit all of the same tones for me. It seems like based on the review, he doesn't remember when the

Lame A plot, great B plot. B episode.

Gotta say, was not a fan of this episode at all. Ron was good, and Ben's scenes are always fantastic. But that's about it, and it's becoming a disturbing trend. I'm kind of sick of the Leslie being a complete bitch throughout most of the episode, and then in the end discovers she's wrong. Without a goal like the

Favorite moment was easily Howerton's look on his face after his "dream sequence". That sold the entire sequence of his. I was predicting his would somehow end with him banging a chick, but this was even better. And the "How did my fantasy even get there? Oh well" look…man, gold. That dude needs to win an Emmy now.

While I don't think anything regarding #1 albums actually applies here, I agree with your sentiment that Dan Harmon is an asshole.

These guys are fully aware of the risks. They love football, the camaraderie  and the attention and the celebrity. Those things will always overcome the risk. Just look at what Aaron Rodgers says. He pretty much encapsulates the mentality of football players, and he's suffered a couple concussions. This was his answer

Yeah, I acknowledge it's early in the season and they could head back to it. I guess another way of phrasing my view is that I wish they'd get to the roots, instead of having kind of "filler" like this. Filler like this was what made the past few HIMYM seasons pretty bad.