
I was amazed that for a institution/show where sex and physical attraction is a central tenent, absolutely no-one comments about how spectacularly gorgeous Ruby Rose is.

Why would getting your attention factor in to whom someone might find attractive?

In hynesight, there's not much that can be done with Stevenson.

That's good!

Haven't read the books, but his mother is obviously a Mackenzie, while his father appears to be a Fraser ('I Am Ready' being their motto) while Jamie is hiding out under the name MacTavish.

While there's an annual international between Ireland (hurling) and Scotland (shinty), and although they have a common root, they are not the same. They can be pretty brutal though.

"Permission granted."

What I'm looking for is someone who can contribute to what England has
given to the world: culture, sophistication, genius. A little bit more
than an 'ot dog, know what I mean?

Due to the large number of Northern Irish of Scottish descent (mainly Protestant, but also some Catholic) the accent does have a Scottish influence.

Ironically, JLM's was better than Roger Rees'.

I'd probably go with 'dormant'.
While it wouldn't happen so long as QE2 is on the throne, if Scotland were to become independent, it is perfectly possible that, upon the ascension of Charles or William, the Scots could seek to either do away with the monarchy or invite someone become the King or Queen of Scots

Sorry, just a bit of a history nerd.

Actually, the Scottish monarchy, while currently amalgamated with the English crown, is a monarch of the people rather than the country(e.g. Mary Queen of Scots). The adoption of this concept predates the Belgian monarchy by a millenia, and was constitutionally established in 1320 before falling into general disuse

Soup's not a beverage. You could maybe make an argument for Cup-a-Soup.

Sorry, I'm a Marvel guy. Didn't know there was already a Bullock. Has he been castrated?

You're right. Cameron Esposito has won me over. I'm hooked.

'Beef Force' is the name of the new Marvel super-team. There's Bullock, Udder Girl, Moo-Man and Patty.

What's disgusting about a hot, meat flavoured, beverage?

Boy, now you're asking. I really don't have time to go into all the ways (there's a lot, all of which are online to be enjoyed), but I really have an issue with a billionaire telling me to give more money while he lounges on a polar bear and does everything in his power to dodge paying taxes.
'Hey Bono, you worry

Her hopes and dreams?
Now I'm going to feel unsure and incomplete all day long. 'But', I'll ask myself, 'Who in the world IS Cameron Esposito?'.
In order to escape the existential hell in which I've been placed against my will, I might just try to convince myself she's Giancarlo's sister.