two words: red barrels…
timeshift is worth 8 bucks…its a lot of straight-forward, stupid fun and i feel that the time control mechanic was actually better implemented in timeshift than singularity…
not to be that guy
but how would one actually fight a "vampiric mist?" seems like that s**t would just envelop you and kill you…doesn't seem fair…
but those commercials demonstrate how "down" kia is with rap/urban/black culture…
my buddy bought this
he said that the multiplayer is actually quite tolerable for the price paid, its much more tactical than MW2 or even BFBC2…then again, the game ships with only 3 maps and most of the fun he derived from the multiplayer was based on glitching out of the maps and racking up 25:1 kdr's..oh well, to…
kids are stupid. they choke and die, hence, virtual legos…
i dont know if this was mentioned already
but since there are in excess of 1300 discussions going on, im not going to check…anyway, i hate tim burton, and specifically recent tim burton, because everyone of his movies post-nightmare before christmas has royally blown. alice in wonderland especially irked me because it…
two for me
strangely, both were from video games…
all this indie music talk
makes me wish i had not quit working at my university's radio station…
played it…red faction: guerrilla is still better and still arguably the best sandbox game ever…
no cliffhanger?
what about cyril's storyline? the season ended with him polishing a rifle and muttering to himself? is he going to shoot the place up? is he going to shoot himself? the abrupt manner in which they ended his subplot actually bothered me…
so i was going to say that this was just "biblically horrific" until they started rapping which took this pile of ass into a whole new level of terrible…a level that defies expression…
Bioshock 3: The Inevitable Gritty Reboot?
i must disagree…i played the multiplayer and found it incredibly unbalanced…there's no reason to use any plasmid besides freeze, so no one does and the big daddy suit needs to be gotten rid of…there's nothing more irritating than having the bd suit spawn next to a lucky player and they spend the next five minutes…
were berenstein bears ever a beloved memory?
the berenstein bears? hollywood really is scraping the bottom of the barrel…having said that, i am holding out for where's waldo?: the motion picture…
borderlands grading curve
having bought, played, and beaten this, i offer the following grading curve…
Die Another Fucking Day
Episode I: The Phantom Man-Ass
Daddy's Fucking Day Care
The Escape to Bitch Mountain
Indiana Jones and Goddamn Tomb of The Unnecessary Reboot that Fucks Up the Whole Goddamn Series
my car trips
counting crows has always seemed to be the perfect road trip music to me…also, although the band kind of sucks, coheed and cambria's delerium trigger is still one of my favorite driving songs of all time…crystal castles also works…