
What's wrong with being sexy?

I never interpretted HAL as evil. I actually thought he was innately doing human beings a service. Essentially the humans and the robot were chasing down the monolith, and whichever arrived first would make an evolutionary step. When the monkeys evolved, it lead to murder. If that first evolution lead to murder, what

Q: What do you need to reunite the Beatles?

Not the Bees!
[Kicks Leelee Sobieski in the face]

Have you ever been to a show where the very new material is as well-received as the older familiar stuff? But my objection to your comment has nothing to do with you not liking the album, but everything to do with your dismissing before giving it a chance to grow on you. And don't say you've given it a fair shake

Phel, I was at that show too. Fantastic!
You'reNotMyFather, it's nice to know a whole album can be dismissed with just a week of listening to it. Yeah, the vast majority of audiences! Because we should always poll our tastes by consensus, you fucking chump!

I can accept the comparisons to Bowie, U2, Radiohead, etc, but the Arcade Fire sound like nothing that's come before it, at least nothing I'm aware of.
Warren, I agree with starting with Funeral. You'll probably latch on to the immediate songs like "Rebellion" and "Wake Up," but keep listening to the whole thing. It's

Agreed on those tracks, Bitenuker. Every day I have different favourites off this album, and right now it's Rococo.

How fucking good is Half Light I?
And Rococo. Goddamn are those ever good songs!


Because the movie would make even more millions in return. That's how commerce works.

The best line from that Alt. T2 ending:
"The luxery of hope was given to me by the Terminator."

Cripes, kid, grammar. That took me, like, three reads.

Daddy, I'm dying.
(motions to the sandwich)

I think the word "pleading" really makes me enjoy this all the more.
Frontman Caleb Followill first lashed out at bored fans by asking, "I thought this was supposed to be the loudest crowd in the world?" before pleading with fans to "help us do this" as they launched into their hit Sex On Fire.

Say what you want, but those tweets are hilarious.

The Martian Chronicles is the greatest book ever written
I don't claim this as a point of discussion. I state it as fact.

He builds atmosphere really well. Doesn't quite stick the landing. B+, worth watching.

Fuck you, Byron! You too, Zubaz!