
I love how he's so high tech but he still types slower than my grandma. The internet was new, but qwerty keyboard have been around longer than all of us.

Oh no! The horrible dystopian future of Mr. Show is upon us!
This looks worse than that movie they made about a coupon.

They should get Jim Carrey
The serious one, not the funny one. You know, like the one from Number 23.

I find Wikd Mountain Nation to be kind of frustrating, but Furr is fantastic. Listen to "Black River Killer." It's got to be my favourite in a long line of murder ballads.

Didn't you hear Zorro mutter something about no more Snoopy?

I'm surprised by the consistent acclaim
Not because of their sound, which I like, but their very inconsistently quality, which I don't.

What other rhymes are inherently wrong?
Everybody's rapping like it's a commercial
Acting like life is a big commercial

Trent looks like he's got the alcohol sweats. Are we sure he isn't back on the sauce?

Rockstar makes constistently awesome games.
Especially GTA III and the Warriors.

The Pretty Fly scene
from Night of the Hunter is one of the awesomest things ever filmed.

Agreed, Dumbledore. I love the middle section when the cops are trying to tail Fernando Rey without being spotted. Brilliant.

The scene from Akira that really puts me over is when Tetsuo wakes up in the hospital bed and the stuffed animals are trotting about. Then the hospital attendants end up dripping from the ceiling.

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Agreed. She really is classy for putting journalistic scrupples before a hefty paycheck. Best of luck to her in her future endeavours.

Noel, a thank you
You've done a hell of a job covering this series. Part of what continued my love of this show was knowing that I'll get an intelligent analysis of the episode I just watched, along with insights I could have never picked up on.

Maybe you're right. I've watched that movie about eight times and I still haven't fully grasped the mechanics, though I do get closer.

If you dance to it, it's dance music. I consider the Supremes to be dance music, even though they don't sound one iota like the Chemical Brothers. Just because you want to shake your ass to it doesn't mean there's no room for intellegence, either in large or small scales.

Gilliam should have learned
God didn't want to destroy his movie because it's a cursed story. God destroyed it because this going-back-in-time business is an awful idea. Just film the story as it is. What, is the director of Brothers Grimm going to miraculously one-up Cervantes?

They don't actually "go back" in time in Primer, rather they create a veritable save point in which time continues normally, but they are allowed to return to the save point at any time. Not to dispute your claim, though. Primer is tits.

He's written enough great songs for me to defend his talent. But yeah, his head's pretty far up his own ass.