
There were definitely moments toward the end of the first season that I'd get excited by the woven threads and developing action but those were, at best, three minute bursts doled out conservatively over several episodes. Potential means nothing when the execution is poor. And the execution sure was poor.

Let's stop kidding ourselves
Even season one was pretty awful.

Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, Fidel, but I'm afraid you're wrong. Jonah Hill has been funny never. He is less a comedian and more a comedy vortex, where humor cannot exist.

Fuck New York, too.

Majestyk, you want to cut my dick and balls off for being shallow? Oh, wait.

Sam's Town had some weak-ass songs but it's still better than Hot Fuss. I also think "Somebody Told Me" and "Smile like You Mean It" are terrible.

I once had a Scottish geography teacher who insisted you call it "cello-tape" and not "scotch tape." He had a hell of a grizzled beard.
I didn't say it was an interesting story.

Yeah, shithead!

She has
what I have!

Dear Joel,

Those are probably courtesy chuckles to fill in the silence and make the whole night not hurt so much.


I want my voice actors to be as distracting as possible!

Hello, I'm Phoebe. I don't know if you remember me.

I love his little, "Bye-bye" when he first meets Lohan.

You know that part when she takes that guy's cigarette and rubs it against herself, and then passes it back and he sniffs it?
That part was pretty cool.

I'll give him Legend, and then allow some picking and choosing (I didn't mind Matchstick Men at the time) but his movies at full of wasted potential.

Ridley Scott is due for something good
He's made arguably three good films since the 80s. Looking at his imdb page I can't help but wonder if his good movies were just a fluke.

The low population means less waiting time at our free health clinics.

I didn't know liberating concentration camps could be a pastime. Like collecting stamps or miniture spoons.